Book Title: Laghurajswami Biography
Author(s): Manu Doshi
Publisher: Manu Doshi

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Page 32
________________ After the end of monsoon Laghuräjswämi was thinking to find out a place of retreat and stay there alone. Ratnaräjshri was inclined to stay with him during the tour or while on a pilgrimage. Since it was, however, physically not possible for him to move towards Nadiäd, he had written to postpone that plan. At the end of monsoon Laghuräjswämi proceeded towards Umreth. From there he had written to Ratnarajshri, “It is no longer possible for me to move around; arthritis has come to stay, the problem of piles is there and the whole body is aching. As such, I am thinking to go to Nadiad via Uttarsandă.” Meanwhile Ratnarajshri had some talks with a few people. By the end of 1914 he had mentioned in a letter, "I guess from the talks that it is not possible to maintain the standards of the followers without setting up someone as the Chief. The questions would be, 'Who would come forward for that purpose and whom should we adopt as Chief? One more problem is that so far the followers have been behaving like an army without commander, would they be willing to carry out the commands of Chief in the interest of spiritual benefit? ... The concept of having a Chief is adorable, but it is not clear in what mode and with what intention the concept might have arisen. On our part it is clear that we should resort to the commands of Graceful Lord and pass away. If we do not denigrate its significance, it is possible that we may come in contact with someone of a similar caliber. We can then resort to his evident commands. Though saintly persons can be categorized as belonging to past, present or future, there is no essential difference among them; substantially they are identical." Regarding the affliction that Ratnarăjshri had to face Laghuräjswämi had written from Chakläsi, “From Umreth we went to Pansori and from there we arrived here at Chakläsi. ... We are going to stay here five or six days.... You deserve compliments for patiently bearing the affliction. Those, who cause the affliction, become instrumental in eradicating the Karma... Everything will be alright by the grace of Guru." Below are given some extracts from the letters of Ratnaräjshri to give an idea of the tough situation that Laghuräjswämi and others had to face. In early 1915 he wrote to Ranchhodbhäi, "Please do not treat this as my preaching; I am writing this in an affectionate and fraternal mode, heeding to that and behaving cautiously in the matter amounts to resorting to commands of the living Guide. You are smart, practical and straightforward. It is, however, necessary to have firmness of mind. The so-called liberation-seekers are now exposed. We have therefore to do what we think right. You are fortunate to get the responsibility of taking care of great Laghuräjswämi." Since he could not keep patience, he left Deesä for Nadiäd. On the way he developed pain at the feet and had to halt at Pänsar. From there he devotionally wrote: "Let my obeisance be at the lotus-like feet of graceful great Lord Laghuräjswämi.... I cannot imagine anything more worthy and helpful than the desire to see you and to remain in your contact. It is said that wherever there is Ram, there is Ayodhyä. Similarly the fourth era prevails for us wherever you stay. My intention was to move to a remote place for retreat, but I am longing for a glimpse of your elderly, divine, evidently benevolent personality, which is more valuable than a precious jewel. Moreover, I feel that the occasion of changing the fold is close and it would be worthwhile, if it happens in the presence of impressive great man like you.... I hope to be shortly in your presence, but don't worry if it is delayed on account of my foot problem. It would be better if my coming there is kept a secret... Knowing that injustice is done to others on my account, my tendency stays in protecting their well being." A few days thereafter he wrote from Adälaj, “I will let you know everything when I reach in your presence; this is not the time to trust anyone." With improvement in health Ratnaràjshri had been to Nadiad for a few days and left, because he had the inclination to move at unknown places. During the summer of 1915 he wrote from Bharuch, "While thinking over the affliction caused to you I feel amazed at the hard time of Kali age. Instead of serving you in the old age, they are indulging in disrespect, giving you hard time and causing affliction. Is this the way of seeking liberation! My Lord, you might have noticed the tendency of those liberation-seekers! What else now remains to be done by them?" After a week he wrote from Baroda, "Now the long monsoon period becomes due. My Lord, it is worth to move cautiously, because the hostile forces are out to eject you from that place. "What wrong a wicked one would not do?'... In spite of my inclination to stay unknown I have repeatedly requested for being in your presence, because one needs to make changes with the changing circumstances... If something untoward happens in my absence, my inclination for retreat would lose its purpose."


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