Book Title: Kumarpal and Hemchandracharya Diwakar Chitrakatha 041
Author(s): Nityanandsuri, Chidanandmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Mahavir Seva Trust Mumbai
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the body withdraws calcium from the bones to make it more alkaline. This process balances the pH of the blood, but consequently becomes one of the factors that leads to osteoporosis.
66. Nearly all (95% - 99%) toxic chemical residues in the American diet come from animal sources. Toxic chemical management today amounts to no more than self-regulation by the chemical companies. The Environmental Defense Fund estimates that, on average, each. American has 1.5 grams of DDT in his or her body.
67. Synthetic hormones are injected into steers (castrated bulls) to make up for the natural hormonal loss from castration. These hormones may produce carcinogenic residues in the animal's meat.
68. Family farmers who sold their chickens independently to processors on the open market only 35 years ago operate nearly exclusively today as "contract growers." If he hasn't yet been squeezed out completely, "Old MacDonald currently holds a contract with a company in which he agrees to provide his facility and labor to grow company birds, on company feed, to company specifications. He can hardly get out of debt after his investment in the necessary hardware of today's intensive confinement systems. The demise of the family farmer, which is virtually complete in the chicken business, is now well under way in the pork business.
69. A clue to help end the controversy over whether humans are carnivores: Generally speaking, it is not common for a person to stalk a wild animal, catch it by sinking claws into its body, bite its neck and feel comfort in the taste of fresh warm blood and uncooked flesh.
To be contd..........
Content Courtesy: Pamela Teisler
Jain Education International
70. Today, only 50 large corporations control 90% of all the poultry produced in the U.S. Eight of these account for half of the business.
71. To crank up pork production, piglets may be taken away from their mother soon after birth. They are then provided with a mechanical teat, without which they would die from the emotional loss. The forced weaning allows the sow to end her lactating period, so she can. become pregnant again.
72. The high incidence of constipation,
hemorrhoids, hiatal hernias, diverticulosis, spastic colon and appendicitis corresponds very closely to today's widespread adoption of high fat, low fiber, meat-centered diets. 73. Our dwindling supply of good water is directly
tied to meat consumption. Over half of the total amount of water consumed in the U.S. goes to irrigate land growing feed and fodder for livestock.
74. It has been said that beef could be called a
petroleum product so much fossil fuel is needed to produce it. With factory housing, irrigation, trucking and refrigeration, as well as petrochemical fertilizer production requiring vast amounts of energy. approximately one gallon of gasoline goes into every-pound of grain-fed beef. 75. The Allied naval blockade during World War I
of German-occupied territories in 1917 forced Denmark most dramatically into nationwide vegetarianism. The death rate there from disease during the period dropped by 34%. 76. It is deceptive to measure fat as the percentage of physical weight of foods as the milk industry does. Because of all of the water, by weight milk is under 4% fat. Fat in milk, however, is 50% of the calories.
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Pramoda Chitrabhanu