respected preachers, including Svāmi Cinmayānanda. Gitābhārati, Rajanića, Ācāryatulasi Muni Citrabhānu, Vinõbāji, also political leaders, like Gāndhiji, Nēharū, C.R.Dāsa, M. Mālaviya, Lajapatarāya, Subhāșa Bõsa and others.
I believed in one Supreme God, having different nomenclature, had also a bird's eye view as a part of my work to visit several highly developed and rich countries and their way of life and also saw poverty therein.
Very fortunately, by a queer accident, the village upliftment work brought me in live touch with the very eminent senior-most highest authority on Jainism, H. Holiness Ācārya Śrimad Vijayarāmacandrasūriji, and a chance to listen to his dicourse on Nine Elements (Tattvas, Fundamental Truths) in a simple language, but very forceful, from innermost heart. It was a thrilling experience, within a few days it gave me a new outlook, a new vision, and new thoughts, which I had never experienced during the many different discourses and sermons, I had listened to, so far. There was a complete change in my life, a new ambition. At the age of 73, as an exception I was initiated as a śramana (Jaina Monk).
Completed 11 years as Śramana. With all the experiences and studies, I must confess that my knowledge in Jainism is a mere drop in an ocean. Therefore this note will only be a glimpse.
Muni Punyadarśana Vijayaji Ahamadābāda : 9th August, 1991
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