works, which contain dogmatic disputes with Brahmins and sharp criticism of their morals, rules of conduct, god-worship etc..
Anthologies of Jain poems and collections of aphorisms were also composed. Out of the latter, the most widely known are. the Gathakosha by Munichandra Suri (twelfth century) and Gaihasahasri by Samayasunder (seventeenth century). They are valuable because they are great stories of ancient aphorisms and apophthegms in verses. The following lines can well serve as specimen of the aphorisms in these collections:
One can never walk along two roads simultaneously, One cannot sew with a needle whose both ends are
sharpened, One cannot simultaneously accommodate within oneself sinful joy and the path of salvation.
Many literary works of Jains deal with the questions of religious dogmas, philosophy, ethics, grammar, astronomy, cosmogony etc. This form of literature is supplemented at present by new treatises and discourses by Jain monks-scholars.
Saddarshana-Samuchhaya (ninth century) by Haribhadra, is one of the most remarkable old treatises on religion. In this book the author makes an attempt to put an end to the enmity which had flared between the sects and to convince people that one must not blindly reject everything that disagrees with their views and that it is necessary to search for rational essence in every religion, including Hinduism. Only thus can they aspire to comprehend reality.
The book Jivaviyara (tenth century) by Shantisuri is also interesting. All the beings, living on the earth and their paths of rebirths are described in this book. The level of development of various sciences of that time-botany, zoology and geography is reflected in this book. The book contains interesting myths also.
The Jain teachers paid much attention to the spread of religious education among the members of their community. This was attempted not only through oral sermons and readings of canonical texts (to popularise the texts, simplified stories were composed for laymen) but also through special illustra