Book Title: Jaina Theory of Paroksha Jnana Author(s): Goura Hajra Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA View full book textPage 7
________________ Dr. Gour Hajra of five kinds : Smoti, pratyabhijna, tarka, anumana and agama. They accepted each of these five kinds of knowledge as separate pramana. But according to Naiyayikas tarka is only helpful in removing doubts about concomitance and is not independent organ of knowledge. They are not ready to accept memory as an independent pramana. But the Jainas considered both memory and Tarka as a separate pramana. Therein lies the novelty of Jainism. References ; 1. Pramana-Naya-Tattvalokalamkara-by Vadi Devasuri. Jaina Tarka Bhasa--by Yasovijaja. 3. Jainism in Buddhist literature--by Bhagchndra Jain Bhaskar. 4. A Primer of Indian Logic-by Kuppuswami Sastri. 5. Jaina Theory of Perception--by Pushpa Bothra. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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