Book Title: Jaina Mysticism
Author(s): Kamalchand Sogani
Publisher: Z_Pushkarmuni_Abhinandan_Granth_012012.pdf

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________________ Jaina Mysticism ४५५ ++++++++++ +++++ + ++++++++++++++++++++++ + ++++++++++ + + ++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ from the Antarātman to the Paramātman is traversed through the medium of moral and intellectual preparations, which purge everything obstructing the emergence of potential divinity. Before this final accomplishment, a stage of vision and fall may intervene. Thus the whole mystic way be put as follows: (1) Awakening of the transcendental self, (2) Purgation, (3) Illumination, (4) Darknight of the soul and (5) Transcendental life. According to Underhill, “Taken all together they constitute the phases in a single process of growth, involving the movement of consciousness from lower to higher levels of reality, the steady remaking of character in accordance with the 'Independent spiritual world's." But the Jaina tradition deals with the mystic way under the fourteen stages of spiritual evolution, technically known as Gunasthānas. However, these stages may be sub-summed under the above heads in the following way : 1. Dark period of the self prior to its awakening. Mithyātva Gunasthāna (first) 2. Awakening of the self-Aviratasamyagdrști Gunasthāna (fourth) Fall from awakening: (a) Säsädana Gunasthäna (second) (b) Misra Gunasthāna (third) 3. Purgation : (a) Viratavirata Gunāsthāna (fifth) (b) Pramattavirata Gunasthāna (sixth) 4. Illumination : (a) Apramattavirata Gunasthāna (seventh) (b) Apūrvakaraņa Gunasthāna (eighth) (c) Anivritikarana Gunasthāna ninth) (d) Sükşmasāmparāya Gunasthāna (tenth) (e) Upaśantakaşāya Gunasthāna (eleventh) (1) Kșinakāṣāya Gunasthāna (twelfth) 5. Dark period post illumination--fall to the first or the fourth Gunasthāna. 6. Transcendental life: (a) Sayogakevali Gunasthāna (thirteenth) (b) Ayogakevali Gunasthāna (Fourteenth) 1. Dark period of the self prior to its awakening or Mithyātva Guņasthāna : In this Guņasthana the empirical souls remain in a perpetual state of spiritual ignorance owing to the beginningless functions of Mohantya (deluding) Karma. This Karma on the psychical side engenders a complex state of Moha' having perverted belief (Mithyādarśana) and perverted conduct (Mithyācāritra) as its ingredients. Here the effect of Mithyadarśana is so dominant that the self does not evince its inclination to the spiritual path. Just as the man invaded by bile-infected fever does not have liking for sweet juice. This Mithyadarśana vitiates knowledge and conduct alike. In its presence, both knowledge and conduct, however extensive and suffused with morality they may be, are impotent to disintegrate the hostile elements of the soul and to lead us to those superb heights which are called mystical. Consequently, the darkest period in the history of the self is the one when the self is overwhelmed by Mit yhädarśana. It obstructs all our mystical endeavours. Thus the plight of the self in Mithyātva Gunasthāna resembles that of a totally eclipsed moon or a completely clouded sky. It is a state of spiritual slumber with the peculiarity that the self itself is not cognisant of its drowsy state. Led astray by the perverted attitude, the soul staying in this Gunasthāna identifies itself with bodily colour, physical frame, sex, caste, creed, family, friends and wealth. The consequence is that it is constantly obsessed with the fear of selfannihilation on the annihilation of the body and the likes and is tormented even by the thought of death”. Besides, it is the victim of the seven kinds of fear?' and the eight kinds of pridel. Again under the influence of Mithyadarśana one accepts the Adharma (wrong religion) as the Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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