house, below a tree, in solitude or in a place prepared for somebody else. They should live in a pure place which is not too much crowded and where no women live. Nuns (at least three in a group) should live in a pure and protected place which is not much crowded and where no men live
The ascetic should not build a house nor cause others to erect one. The same holds good with the cooking of food and drink. Since he lives on alms, he should beg and not buy. He should not engage in buying and selling. He should collect his alms in small parts according to rules. He should contentedly go on his begging tour whether he gets alms or not. He is enjoined to eat not for the sake of pleasant taste but for the sustenance of life. Though overcome by thirst, he should not drink cold water, i. e., water having life (sacitta), but try to get distilled water, i. e., water without life (acitta). If he suffers from cold, he should not long for fire etc. to warm himself. If he suffers from heat, he should not long for a bath and the like. At one time he may have no clothes, at another he may have some. Under no circumstances he should complain about it. If he falls sick and suffers pain, he should cheerfully bear the ills that attack him.