________________ 80 K. BRUHN and C. B. TRIPATHI played by the Concordance in connection with the Pancakalpa-Bhasya edition has also been described in the Introduction (p. 2). We have deliberately included in the title of the present survey the name of a separate project-the Bhasya Concordance-which will be built up on the basis of the Jaina Concordance. Experience shows that a card-concordance is used only where it is located (although the cards could be made available to other institutions in the form of photocopies). It was therefore decided at an early stage that a certain part of the material should be published in book-form under the title "Bhasya Concordance". Such a publication would moreover direct the interest of Jainologists and specialists in dogmatical literature-Jaina, Buddhist, Brahmanical-to the largely unexplored material contained in the Niryuktis and Bhasyas. We have selected for the Bhasya Concordance the five works mentioned on p. 70 above under the heading "Bhasya Section":Bihatkalpa-Bhasya (6490 vss., no verses in the sutra). Jitakalpa-Bhasya (2709 vss., Jinabhadra's Jitakalpa-"sutra" included). Nisitha-Bhasya (6703 vss., no verses in the sutra). Pancakalpa-Bhasya (2666 vss., independent sutra not existent). Vyavahara-Bhasya (4768 vss., no verses in the sutra). Total: 23 336 vss. It is in this area that we observe a maximum of overlapping, either within one single work or between the five works. Parallel verses will be traced on the lines described above (i.e. mainly on the basis of identical beginnings of the first lines). It is only the recording system which has to be explained in some detail. Verse parallels and halfverse parallels (one-line-parallels) will be recorded. Such a parallel may occur in the same work, within the area of the Bhasya Concordance, or within the area of the entire Jaina Concordance. "Minor' parallels (less than one line) are, in principle, not to be included. However, identity at the beginning, extending over a number of words, is not irrelevant, and these parallels will become available automatically. But whereas they are brought into focus by contiguous arrangement in the case of verses belonging to the five works covered by the Bhasya Concordance, they become lost in the case of the other verse material (Jaina Concordance) unless they are explicitly mentioned. It seems, therefore, advisable to include references to verses from without the area of the Bhasya group whenever the identity at the beginnings is worthy of note. To give an example: a verse in the Avasyaka-Niryukti, having several initial words in common with a BIhatkalpa-Bhasya verse, will be mentioned (after the BIhatkalpa-Bhasya verse). The Bhasya Concordance is an effort to X-ray a part of the relevant literary materialsubject no doubt to limitations such as are inevitable under the circumstances. It is hoped that its publication will not only help to solve individual problems but will also afford a better view of the general situation.