Plates :
Fig. 2c. Bahubali. Probably a figure of the Rashtrakūta period. Chalukya School. 9th centruy A.D. (Ht. 50. 1 cms) Prince of Wales Museum of Western India, Bombay. The find spot is said to be Sravana Belgola.
Fig. 3b. Goddess or a Jaina Yakshi. The coiffare of this image is typical of the later phase of Western Chalukya art. Western Chālukya. 9th-10th centuries A.D. (Ht. 33 cms.) Collection of Capt. Jones. Lodon. Now in British Museum.
Kailash Chand JAIN-Jainism in Rajasthan, Sholapur, 1963. Pp. viii-284, with 100 illustrations.
It contains a survey of Jainism in Rajasthan from the earliest times to the present day. Jainism proved a great cultural and dynamic force under the patronage of the heroic Rajput rulers who were a great support to Jain monks and laymen.
Contents :
Chapt. 1. Sources; II. Historical role of Jainism; III. Divisions and subdivisions of Jainism. IV. Jaina Art; V. Jaina Literature; VI. Jaina Sästrabhandaras; Jaina monks and statesmen. VIII, Contributions of Jainism to Rajasthan.
A. C. MITTAL-Date of Kharavela. (Summaries of Papers of the 26th International Congress of Orientation, New Delhi, 1964).
P. 168. The writer discusses the subject and assigns to the 1st century B.C.
Mini Nāgraj- The contemporaneity and the chronology of Mahavira and Buddha (--do-as above). Pp. 174-175. Conclusion :
599 B.C.
582 B.c.
567 B.C.
547 B.c. Nirvana
527 B.C.
502 s.c. Sayyid Akbar Ali TIRMIZI - The Background of historiography in Mediaeval Gujrat, (do-as above).
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