Book Title: Jaina Archaeological Heritage of Tamilnadu
Author(s): A Ekambarnathan
Publisher: Bharat Varshiya Digambar Jain Mahasabha
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Tirumalai and Karantai and a mango tree behind the sculptures of Ambika as at Valliamalai, Cholapandipuram and Sempattur is also due to such an extraneous impact. Kannada epigraphical records found in Dharmapuri, Valliamalai, Tirumalai, Pechchipallam etc., bear testimony to the successive Jaina contacts between Tamilnadu and Karnataka during medieval and late medieval times. 32 REFERNCES: 1. A. Ekambaranathan, Jaina Iconography in Tamilnadu,
Lucknow, 2002, p.22. 2. K.R.Srinivasan, "Some aspects of religion as revealed by early
monuments and literature of the South" Journal of the
Madras University, 1960, pp. 42-44 3. A. Ekambaranathan, op.cit.,p.15. 4. R.Champakalakshmi, "An unnoticed Jaina cavern near
Madurantakam". Journal of the Madras University,
1969, pp. 111-114. 5. Annual Report on Epigraphy, (ARE) 10/1895. 6. Ibid, 400/1922-23. 7. A.Ekambaranathan, The History of Chittamur (in Tamil),
Melchittamur, 1985, p.40. 8. ARE, 6 & 7/1895. 9. Ibid, 251 & 252 / 1936-37 10. Travancore Archaeological Series, Vol.II, p.126. 11. ARE, 603 / 1915. 12. Jaina Art & Architecture, Vol. II, p.209. 13. ARE, 215 / 1940-41. 14. Ibid, 70-72 / 1905. 15. Ibid, 68 & 69 / 1905
16. Ibid, 61 & 62 / 1910 Jain Education International
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