Book Title: Jain Story Book
Author(s): Manu Doshi
Publisher: Manu Doshi

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Page 9
________________ every effort of mine, he was increasing his speed. At last I gave up and allowed him to take me wherever he liked. At last the horse stopped in this lovely land near that lake on your right. Since Bakula knows what happened after that, let her narrate the rest of it." Thereupon Bakula stated as under. "One day I was playing in our favorite lake water along with my sisters and other friends. No male is supposed to come over there. All of a sudden I saw a horse with your friend on the back. The loveliness of your friend enamored all of us. As soon as he got down, some devil appeared there, no one knows from where, and attacked him. The devil used all possible means to kill him, but Sanat was a match for him and knocked down the devil who had to run away. Highly impressed by Sanat's strength, we wished to play with him. So we forcibly dragged him into water. After playing with him for a long time, we took him to the city and introduced him to our father Bhanuveg, the king of this heavenly place. He was very pleased to see your friend and decided to make him son in law. Thus we eight sisters got married to him. Once Sanat alone had been far away. He happened to see a seven storied beautiful building. As he was marveling at the structure, he heard cries of a girl from the top floor. He went inside and saw that a beautiful girl was lying there crying for help. Sanat consoled her and inquired about her problem. The girl said that she was Sunanda, the princess of Vinita. She was engaged to the prince of Hastinapur. She was however abducted by a heavenly being named Vajraveg who wanted to marry her. Sanat gave his identification and assured that he would save her from the clutches of Vajraveg. While they were talking, Vajraveg came there and seeing Sanat he attacked him with all his might. Sanat however successfully faced him and killed Vajraveg. Then he married Sunanda. Vajraveg's father Ashaniveg got mad at Sanat for killing his son. He came here with a large army. My father and his colleagues came to help Sanat. There was fierce battle in which Ashaniveg got killed and his entire fortune was gained by Sanat. Ashaniveg's daughter also married Sanat. That way he married many girls and gained lot of wealth. Since then he has been happily passing the time enjoying every pleasure of life."" After staying there and enjoying heavenly hospitality, Mahendra once said to Sanat that his parents were very much worrying on account of his sudden disappearance. He should therefore better go home. Sanat too felt it worthwhile and proceeded to Hastinapur along with his wives and large band of followers. After a few days he reached Hastinapur. Ashwasen was very pleased to see his son once again. As he heard everything about Sanat's accomplishments, he decided that it was the time for him to retire. Accordingly he coronated Sanat as the king of Hastinapur and renouncing the worldly affairs he became a monk. Sanat ruled very well. All the people were pleased with his administration. He appointed Mahendra as the commander in chief and set upon an expedition. He gained victory everywhere. Very soon he conquered all the territories and became the undisputed emperor or Chakravarti of the entire land. He was particularly known every where for his unparalleled handsomeness. Even the heavenly beings were aware of his extraordinary attractiveness. Once Indra, the king of heaven praised the handsomeness of Sanatkumar in his assembly. Two members named Vijay and Vaijavant got skeptical of the praise. They therefore decided to verify it. Disguised as Brahmins they came to Hastinapur and asked for permission to see the king. At that time Sanat was getting ready for taking his bath. He was however courteous enough to allow them inside. Coming in, they saw that Sanat was actually more handsome than it was mentioned in the heavenly assembly. They therefore moved their heads in approval of the praise. As the king asked the purpose of that gesture, they said that they had heard about his handsomeness. They had been there to verify it and found him more attractive than they had thought. Sanatkumar was proud of his attractiveness. He got highly flattered by those words. He said that he was still not properly dressed or adorned. With an air of vanity he suggested that if they really wanted to


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