How do you relax? I bake - cookies, cakes, pies, you name it - my own form of relaxation, and my friends don't seem to mind the extra goodies either!
Do you pray or meditate? I pray and meditate - and think both are equally worthwhile.
What is your favourite city? Barcelona, Spain.
How often do you go to India? Every 3-4 years.
Where do you see yourself in ten years' time? I see myself balancing a family (lots of children) with a legal career (attorney), and hopefully managing a bakery as well (I like to stay busy!).
Rina Shah 24, from Fremont, California
If you had one wish, what would that be? I would wish that everyone in this world had the love and support to live out their dreams - and hopefully find this through religion in addition to family and friends.
Who inspires you? My older sister Asheta inspires me through her strength and self-reliance. She has fulfilled many roles, mentor/teacher/parent/best friend, throughout my life.
Can you describe your character in one sentence? Once I set my heart/mind on something, I rarely let it slip away.
What is your favourite sport? Kick-boxing.
What helps you to create and build? Setting achievable goals and living up to ideals and values. These goals and ideals help pave a worthwhile path to follow.
How do you inspire others? I hope to inspire others by following my dreams and being true to my values. Through this, I hope to communicate that we all have the ability to live up to our own ideals - and these ideals are all different for each person.
What do you value most? I value family, friendships and living in the moment.
in Education Interational 2010_03
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