conquest of the world. He set out with a large army, following father Rshabha. True knowledge eluded him. Worried the magical wheel which led the way. So great was his army about his brother's plight, Bharat consulted Rshabha. The and so superior his prowess that kings everywhere bowed down first Tirthankara through his inner vision told Bharat that it to his challenge and accepted his supremacy. Bharat conquered was pride which was standing in the way of Bahubali's all the continents and mountainous regions. He returned omniscience. Learning this, Bharat went to the forest to see victorious to Ayodhya. Much to his surprise, the wheel stopped Bahubali, accompanied by his two sisters. When they at the gates and refused to enter
reached Bahubali they the city. He soon realised that
found that their brother his conquest of the world
had stood so still that antwas incomplete because his
hills had grown around his brothers had not accepted his
legs, creepers had supremacy. He sent messages
entwined his body and to his brothers to accept
birds had nested in his subjugation. All the brothers
beard. except Bahubali gave up their
The two sisters went up lands to Bharat, and went away
to Bahubali and whispered to join their father's religious
that he should dismount order.
from the elephant. At first, Bahubali, on the other
Bahubali was puzzled by hand, took up Bharat's
what his sisters had said to challenge and went to war.
him. However, he soon The two armies prepared for
realised that they were the great battle and met on the
asking him to let go of his battlefield. Just then, the
pride and resentment. As advisors of both camps spoke
soon as he understood this to Bharat and Bahubali, saying
message, the heavy burden that it would be pointless to
of resentment and pride wage war in which there would
vanished and he gained not be bloodshed and loss of
only omniscience but also innocent lives. Their elders
liberation from the cycle of felt that the matter could be
birth and death. He was settled by holding a series of
liberated from the Ocean duels between the two brave
of Rebirths even before his warriors. Both brothers readily
father Rshabha, the first agreed to the suggestion and
Tirthankara. the war between the armies
Bharat continued to was averted. It was decided to
rule the kingdom wisely hold three duels: a staring
and was witness to contest, a fight in water and a
Rshabha's liberation. One wrestling match.
day, he saw a grey hair on Bahubali, with his training
his head. He considered in warfare, easily won the first
this a sign from the gods. two duels. In the wrestling
He crowned his son and match, too, he easily
renounced the life of a overpowered Bharat and held
Bahubali deep in meditation
king for that of an ascetic. him high over his head. Bharat
Through meditation and called out to the magic wheel
fasting, he too gained for assistance. But to his dismay, the wheel circled around omniscience and was ultimately liberated from the cycle of Bahubali and then stood by his side. Bahubali, at that very life and death. 2 moment, became upset that he was about to kill his own brother. Filled with remorse, he gently put Bharat down and begged his forgiveness.
Sudha Seshadri is a freelance editor and writer living in Bahubali then fled to the forest and stood still with his Mumbai, India. This story is extracted from the writings of hands by his side and eyes closed. He remained in this position Dr. Saryu Doshi, a renowned Jain scholar: for a long, long time, but did not gain omniscience like his Aneesh Datey is an artist living in Mumbai, India.
June - August 2003
Jain Spirit
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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