Book Title: Jain Spirit 2003 03 No 14
Author(s): Jain Spirit UK
Publisher: UK Young Jains

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Page 49
________________ VIEWPOINT A GIFT OF TIME Dhiraj Shah shares the joy of seva TE LIVE IN A WORLD WHICH IS SIARVING interests or abilities. for one of nature's infinite gifts - time. I believe There is always a V that Jainism encourages us to give unconditionally huge demand for what is most precious to us. Ever since we migrated to the UK good people. We from Kenya, our family has continued to give time regularly should join organisations where we feel relaxed and and consistently. It has been a most rewarding and welcome, and where we can grow and learn through our enlightening experience for us. I would like to encourage volunteering efforts. At community events, we should be more and more Jains to participate and give time to good ready to help out with anything from cleaning to stacking causes. Giving time helps us to be selfless and contented. My chairs without any concern for ego or self-image. This will work with young people has taught me that given the right set a good example for our children and it will teach us environment, young people can really progress and develop about true selflessness. their character through volunteering. Eighteen-year-olds can Don't be afraid of giving time. What is the worst that learn managerial skills which they would only get in a big you can lose? Illnesses like depression, stress and anxiety organisation at the age of forty. They can develop their self- are caused by selfishness and the breakdown of community. esteem so that they can cope with a variety of Giving time actually prevents these illnesses situations without losing their self-confidence. "Giving time is and builds our inner strengths. It gives us In a world which is changing so fast, identity one of the most inner peace which today everyone longs for. It provides real strength. I have seen with my own is very important that we do not have any eyes the difference we have made to young natural instincts expectations for return in terms of selfpeople brought up in the West. They are already of human publicity or personal status. If we give time making a huge difference to society. for the wrong motives, there will be stress. In the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, we beings.” Patience is a very important virtue in prepare young people from the age of seven volunteering. I have often been surprised by to become the best of themselves and set their own high the dramatic achievements of young people that have taken standards in whatever they do. We encourage them to be a long time to cultivate in our shakhas. Patience helps us to physically strong through regularly training shakhas and to achieve lasting results and some of our efforts will live healthily and hygienically. We educate them about definitely bear fruit for many generations. I encourage their culture through stories, sport, music and discussions. people to appreciate volunteers and support them rather We organise annual retreats for young people, which give than simply criticise them without doing anything. them concentrated training in character building and The world today is driven by ego, fear and insecurity. culture. These camps have been life-changing experiences Volunteering is a tremendous antidote for this. It is not a for most of the young people who attended them. A retreat one-way sacrifice as many people perceive it. It fulfils us enables them to step out of routine life and reflect upon on a daily basis and encourages us to give more and strive their goals and aspirations. It breeds deep community spirit for more. It unlocks our hidden potential as the motives are through direct bonding with like-minded young people. It genuine and selfless. I would encourage everyone to try it helps sustain a positive peer group which will last for a long for themselves and experience the difference it can make to time, something which schools rarely provide today. their own lives. In fact, I feel that giving time is one of the most natural instincts of human beings. Unfortunately, modernity Dhiraj Shah is Joint General Secretary of the Hindu is destroying these natural instincts and we are succumbing Swayamsevak Sangh in the UK, a national organisation to it. We need not give in so easily. We should try gifting promoting Hindu values. He lives with his family in time locally in small ways, in areas where we have special Birmingham, UK. 64 Jain Spirit . March - May 2003 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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