Book Title: Jain Spirit 2002 06 No 11
Author(s): Jain Spirit UK
Publisher: UK Young Jains

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Page 51
________________ Go Organic WWW.DINODIA.COM following organic practices. One of the dreadful effects of the pesticide lindane is breast cancer, yet its use continues unabated! Farmers suffer from neurological illnesses. And it does not stop there. We frequently use toxic chemicals in our domestic gardens, golf courses, sports fields and public parks. The avoidance of the routine use of artificial chemicals means that organic farming minimises pollution and health problems. The use of renewable resources is preferred over non-renewable ones such as fossil fuels. These fuels are the raw materials for artificial fertilisers and agricultural chemicals. Organic methods of production may result in smaller yields per acre, but the overall energy costs of Traditional food sources, ingredients and methods of cooking production are a fraction of those of are now proven to be the most healthy industrially produced foods. Just consider that antibiotics and other drugs. These animals have access to fields fossil fuels are not just used in the production of agrofor grazing and are allowed to express their natural behaviours. chemicals - they are also used for their collection, They have comfortable bedding and enough space in their processing and delivery, adding to global warming and enclosures. The routine use of antibiotics and other drugs is atmospheric pollution. In contrast, the organic farmer uses avoided because running a healthy, balanced system prevents manpower, creates employment in rural areas and uses many diseases. much less fossil fuels because of the prohibition of Research has shown that organic farming can be better for insecticides, herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilisers, and the environment than intensive agriculture. For a start, wildlife he puts emphasis on the local supply of produce. is kept safe from the deathly effect of pesticides and other The Soil Association, a UK based organic certifying chemicals. Non-food plants are not killed routinely. All this body promoting the idea that our health is directly means that there are more food resources available for wild connected to the health of the food we eat and, ultimately, animals, insects and birds. Their habitat is protected. Industrial the health of the soil' succinctly summarises the ten reasons agriculture on the other hand does enormous damage to the why an organic (read 'Jain') way of life is better for us: environment. Dangerous substances have been accumulating *To protect future generations in our soil and water over the decades. • To pay the real cost of real food Produce from organic farms is a safer and healthier option. To have an independent guarantee Unlike soil that has suffered chemical abuse, organically To protect water quality maintained soil is alive, rich in humus and well balanced, full *To enjoy greater flavour and nutrition of micro-organisms and friendly bacteria. Industrial agriculture * To keep chemicals off your plate destroys bio-diversity. The gene banks of thousands of To reduce global warming and save energy varieties of food plants are lost forever and with them the as • To prevent soil erosion yet-undiscovered medicinal plants that could hold the key to To help small farmers life-threatening diseases. The effects on human health have been extensively *To help restore biodiversity mentioned earlier in this article. Apart from that, organic food Only if we all adopt this lifestyle, will many complacent tastes far better than conventionally grown food and has higher political leaders and governments, comfortable in their cosy concentration of vitamins, minerals and cancer fighting anti relationships with large agro-chemical businesses, sit up oxidants. Who can forget the taste and aroma of the organic and take notice. Even crises such as BSE and Foot and by-default' fruits such as bananas that we used to enjoy in East Mouth have not awakened them from their stupor. But it is Africa? Sadly there too, intensive farming is now used to fill still not too late! the vast agro' warehouses of European supermarket chains. Ketan Shah is a founder of Veggie-Mart, a company which This has led to the creation of bland and pesticide-rich horticultural produce. Genetically Modified food is prohibited sells organic and environment-friendly products, in the organic movement. Useful websites: Pollution of our air, land and water and thus our food, is a major hazard to our health. Pollution is so easily avoidable by June - August 2002. Jain Spirit 49 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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