Jain pioneers Mrs. Neeta and Mr. Amu Vaghji Shah in Perth, Western Australia
A FASCINATING EPISODE IN the history of the Jain community happened in East Africa. At the turn of this century Jains from Gujarat emigrated first to Kenya, and then later on to Uganda and Tanzania. To this day we will find Jain schools, Jain hospitals and Jain community centres in major cities throughout East Africa. It was the pioneering efforts of the early Jains, their tremendous spirit and co-operation, which enabled such a tremendous success of the community both materially and spiritually. It is often said that we rarely learn from the lessons of history or that, as time moves on, we forget the virtues of our forefathers. We are therefore excited to report on an interesting development in our history. The efforts of the pioneers in East Africa have not only been sustained, but that history has been transported to a new continent, this time to Australia.
Jain Education International 2010_03
Ever since Asians were kicked out of Uganda in 1972, there has been concern in East Africa that the future for Asians living in these countries is risky. As a result, there has been a steady flow of migration away from East Africa. Some of the early pioneers of this migration were Mr. Kanti Shah, Mr. Ramesh Shah and Aniket Shah, who tried to attract people to go to Australia. Among the people who decided to migrate to Australia were Mr Amu and Mrs. Neeta Vaghji Nangpar Shah, who went to Perth in 1994. Mr Vaghji Nangpar Shah is a great pioneer of Jain heritage. He single-handedly established the Aradhna Dham near Jamanagar, Gujarat. Amu set up in business in Perth and at the same time began to help other Kenyans and Jains who were emigrating to Perth. He would help them with setting up in business, finding jobs, homes and schools for the children
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there. Very soon a community was created out of scratch. Perth is a beautiful coastal city with warm weather throughout the year, plenty of beaches and greenery - a paradise in many ways.
In 1994 some 10 families had settled in Perth, and by 1995 this number had gone up to 30 families. Dr. Paresh Mehta was instrumental in setting up regular satsangs at a community centre, and at the end of each meeting, the Jain women provide a delicious vegetarian dinner for the whole community. There were initial difficulties, but these were tackled by the mutual support and community spirit. In fact, many Jains living in Perth today say that their transition was very smooth, and they do not feel that it has been a struggle. The children have settled very well in the schools. Mr. Amu Shah predicts that another 15 families will migrate there this year and Perth is destined to become an important Jain city. In addition, there are 20 overseas Jain students in Perth and more coming each year, who are also in close touch with the local community.
The Jains from East Africa were able to migrate to a new continent and settle down very comfortably without losing much of their community spirit. Instead, they enhanced this spirit once in Australia. History repeated itself as both Amu and Neeta were the second generation East Africans who were born and raised in East Africa. They learnt from the values of their parents and reinvigorated these values in a new environment. This suggests there is great hope for the future of Jainism-its ancient history can be transported in the future through our efforts. It is good to see Jains rise to the challenge.
Amu Shah can be contacted via email on amu@wantree.com.au
March May 2000 Jain Spirit