generals fought Dharma-yuddha in the great epical tradition of righteousness to restore the moral balance of the age. They never faltered in doing a noble deed. When all other means to avoid bloodshed and restore peace failed, they inevitably resortd to draw the sword. Jaina warriors, patriotism personified, lived and died for their Dharma to preserve the values of their motherland and protect the probity of their countrymen. Their heroic deeds are the tales of valor, nobility and faithfulness. They played the role of defending the nation, fought like lions in war but acted as model citizens in life and peace.
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Nagarajaiah, Hampa :
1. A History of the Early Ganga Monarchy and Jainism, Bangalore, 1999. 2. The Later Gangas : Mandali Thousand, Bangalore 1999. 3. A History of the Rāştrakūtas of Malkhēd and Jainism, Bangalore, 2000. 1. The Jaina Path of Purification, Berkeley, 1979. 2. Collected Papers on Jaina Studies, New Delhi, 2000.
Jaini, S. Padmanabh :
Noel Rettig:
‘An anthropological Study of the Religion of the Jainas', in Jain Journal, VI.3, January 1972.
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