of the Institute (1935-48). An appendix is devoted to graphic peculiarities (comp. JUB Vol 5 and 6)14.
Buhler, through his Reports, has not only become a patron of Jaina philology indirectly, but thanks to a number of original works and essays has been a direct promoter in our field, as in the course of years, Weber, too, had been, and, moreover, they both have inspired younger scholars. Jacobi's critical edition of he Kalpa Sutra of Bhadrabāhu (AKM 7, 1; 1879) clearly shows traces of Buhler's spirit, while Leumann's Aupapātika Sutra (AKM 8, 2; 1883)-originally a thesis of Leipzig-is influenced by Weber and the Berlin Collection. It may be mentioned here that Weber successfully cooperated with Leumann in his great essay referred to above. The editions of both Jacobi and Leumann are masterpieces of philology, and it was only a predilection for the old Prakrit grammarians that led Pischel in his famous Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen (§ 19, footnote 3) to call Hoernle's Uvāsagadasão (1890) the only critical one15.
Jacobi's introduction to the Kalpa Sutra has come to be fundamental for all further research. This research has been described up to the twenties of this century by Windisch and need not be repeated here16. Its staring point was, due to Jacobi17, the definite removal of any doubt whether the Jainas or the Buddhists were of earlier origin18, a doubt resulting from some inward and outward similarities between those two world-denying religions. Jaina creed had sprung into existence long before Gautama Buddha's time, Vardhamana Mahavira was not its founder, but a reformer of what Parsva had taught, whom tradition credibly maintains to have lived 250 years before him. It may be added here from a later deduction of Jacobi's that Mahavira's nir
14 Weber already dealt with this topic (Verz. II 3, p. xii ff.). Leumann discussed the influence of the shape of the leaves upon the text (ZDMG 46, p. 583f.). Miniatures in manuscripts were treated by Huttemann, BaesslerArchiv 4, 2; Brown, Jaina Gazette 28, p. 77-83 (reviewed by Hirananda Sastri, ibid, 113f.); Brown Kalaka (§24) with a bibliography. The Bibliography of Indian Archaeology may also be consulted.
A reflex of Pischel's remark can be seen in Antagadadasao ed. Barnett, p.x. Comp. Leumann, JRAS 1907, p. 1080. As to the Uvas., see Leumann's review, WZKM 3, pp. 328-350.
For Jaina studies in Italy mostly going back to Jacobi see the Indological bibliography upto 1911 in Rivista degli Studi Orientali 5, pp. 219-271.
See his introduction to the Kalpa Sutra and to SBE 22 and 45. Colebrooke found it necessary to investigate the precedence of the Veda and of Brahmanism before the said religions (Observations etc., Misc. Essays II 196 ff.). Francklin had no doubt that the original religion of India was that of the 'Boodh' and the 'Jeyne' (Researches, p. 137).
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