Book Title: Jain Digest 2007 11 2
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 14
________________ " T Jain Digest. Winter 2007 Spiritual O Retigious Care For Jains in North America GRAND LIFE Many faith communities provide some form of Spiritual & Religious Care but their resources to assist in institutions may be limited. A SCP on staff is able to coordinate several services, provide crisis assistance and liaise with faith communities to This White Paper attempts to address the need for the provision of facilitate faith-specific needs. "Spiritual & Religious Care for Jains" in institutions or community NOTES: based programs in North America. In the absence of any policy . The terms "Provision of Spiritual and Religious Care" and statement on this subject, there is a strong and an urgent need "Spiritual Care Provider," explained above, are relatively new to formalise the delivery of such services, so that requests from in the North American context. They are intended to replace the Jains and others can be dealt with appropriately. This White the more traditional terms, "Chaplaincy" and "Chaplain," Paper has been developed by Prakash Mody and Dharm Jain of respectively, which are still widely in use. The latter terms are seen Toronto, Canada with the help of esearch, and recommendations as more suitable for the Christian community. The new terms from many Jains and others to whom they are grateful. are being recognized as more appropriate in the contemporary Please e-mail your comments or concerns to 4prakash@gmail. North American multicultural and multifaith context as they com or call (416) 491 5560. are considered more inclusive and more easily understood by the DEFINITIONS OF SOME RELEVANT TERMS USED IN THIS WHITE broader community. As indicated at the outset, these new terms PAPER will be used for the rest of this paper. SPIRITUAL 2. As both authors are from Canada, some spellings of words differ from the American version. The term "spiritual" derives from the word "spirituality" which is described as "the very core of humanity. It is a divinely inspired vindly inspired JAIN PERSPECTIVE ON SPIRITUAL & RELIGIOUS CARE movement. It provides meaning and wholeness to human life and ss to human life and AND WHO CAN BE A JAIN SCP? animates our living. Spirituality gives a broader context to one's Jain Tirthankar is considered as an enlightened soul and thus a existence. It is the affirmation of life. It is expressed in the capacity noble teacher who teaches the Jain code of conduct that must be to seek meaning and purpose, to establish one's identity, to have followed to achieve ultimate liberation of the soul. Jains follow the beliefs, to love, to forgive, to pray, to meditate, to worship and Way of Life as preached by Tirthankar Mahavir and respect the to see beyond present circumstances. Spirituality infuses human five Jain principles of non-violence, non-attachment, truthfulness, beings with direction and purpose in the journey towards their non-stealing and fidelity. The Tirthankar is not a doer'; he does ultimate destiny as well as in everyday living." not act on behalf of anyone, he does not bestow a reward when RELIGIOUS pleased, nor does he mete out a punishment when displeased. Each The term "religious" is derived from the word "religion" which is individual is governed by such Karmic influences and is destined to reap the fruits of his/her own Karma. In the Jain community, described as an expression of spirituality through faith traditions, $. the role of a Jain Spiritual Care Provider (JSCP) is that of a friend religious rites, sacrifices and sacraments. It includes such practices who gives hope to one in need, and of an educator who promotes as worship, prayer, meditation, penance, education and fellowship, better understanding of the Jain code of conduct and a Jain Way usually within the context of an organized faith community." of Life. A JSCP is expected to provide comfort and a company Provision of Spiritual & Religious Care (S&RC) in Institutions so that the client does not have the feeling of being left alone This is the integrated, coordinated, focused and documented particularly at a time of approaching the end of the life's journey. care for needy persons confined in institutions based on the The help of this kind should always be available. Any Jain who assessment of their spiritual and religious needs. It can also be is knowledgeable in the practices relevant to the final passages described as "the provision of appropriate and adequate spiritual of life, such as Pachkhan, Santharo, discourses on Atamsiddhi, & and religious care in an institution, such as a hospital, prison. Bhkatamar Stotra, Shantipath, Tartvarth Sutra, Manglik, etc and defence unit, college campus, long term care facility, etc., where one who has gone through appropriate training, may be considered delivery of such services is called for." as a qualified to function as a JSCI Sectarian differences within SPIRITUAL CARE PROVIDERS (SCPS) Jainism are not considered in this regard. SCPs are professionals who provide spiritual and religious care ligious carPRESENT SITUATION OF JAIN SPIRITUAL & RELIGIOUS services to clients in institutions or community-based programs CAR is in institutions or community-based programs CARE IN NORTH AMERICA and/or to their families and staff. They do so themselves or through Currently, there are no formalized policies to support S&RC other qualified or competent persons, usually but not always programs for Jains in North America. There are few individuals connected to a faith community. SCPs are endorsed by their own who would volunteer to provide S&RC to Jain patients in faith group and/or an authorised multifaith body. They serve as hospitals. The purpose of this White Paper is to advocate for consultants or experts on ethics to colleagues and employers, the selection, training and employment of JSCPs to serve the providing insight on such diverse issues as organ transplant, just- Jain community. These JSCPs would be expected to provide warfare and public policy. They do not displace religious leaders S&RC services twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week but fill the special requirements pertinent to intense institutional in a wide range of settings in all institutions including those that environments. do not belong to the Jain community. Since there are no Jain * Prepared for submission via the Interfaith Committee to the the monks and nuns in North America, all spiritual care, guidance Executive Council of JAINA for its approval/action at the October or religious practices would be provided by lay Jains themselves. 13, 2007 meeting. Later at the meeting this White Paper was An un-ordained Jain person can work as a JSCP. Although a approved male JSCP may serve a female client, the latter may feel more comfortable with a female JSCP. Hence a cadre of both male and For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary. ng cation Intern


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