Jadavji Kenia, Regional Editor Paryushan Parva was celebrated in the presence of Shri Chitrabhanuji. Supan ceremony was organized on August 30h. A HOUSTON, TX practicing Sämäyik in English for youth was scheduled and about 60 persons Jain Society of Houston honoured the participated therein. During the Parva 32 Tapasvis who had done significant Tapasya people observed Archäi, of which 7 were during the Paryushan days and this year youths.
Mrs. Rupaben Mehta was recognized and During Oli, 20 people observed appreciated for 45 days of Upvas. We Ayambils on all the days and 70 people believe this may be the first time anybody observed it on Oct 5th, which was followed has undertaken such a gigantic Tapasya in by Navpad Poojan. The day was also North America. She also accomplished a celebrated as Ahinsä day.
feat of a Mas-khaman last year. We also Swadhyay of Taraläben Doshi was
honored our volunteers without whose conducted from October 5th to 9th during
tireless hard work and devotion our Center which she gave talks regarding importance
really could not function. of Ägams.
Our Diwali program started with
Ghantakaran Jaap on Oct. 24 and Diwali Diwali was celebrated with Snätra
Jaap on Oct. 25. We celebrated Diwali with Poojan, Gautamswämi Jäp (Chanting) and
a grand function on Oct. 26. The program Räs Garabä. New year was celebrated with
started with a discourse from Samaniji ceremonial door opening, collective Chairya
followed by an excellent religious cultural Vandan, and Snätra Poojan.
program by the Pathshala students Dev Vandan was performed on October
culminating with the Sangh Jaman. We are 29th on the occasion of Jnän Panchami,
very fortunate to have the presence of Chaumäsi Pratikraman on November 7th,
Samani Madhurpragyaji and Samani Pardarshan on November 8th and annual Parimalpragyaji in Houston and we avail find raising dinner on November 15th
of their presence with discourses every Names of new Executive Committee and Sunday morning. Board of Trustees are as under.
We also celebrated the 8th Anniversary President: Niranjan Humbad
of our Temple with Snatra Pooja, Adhar
Abhishek of the idols and the flag hoisting Vice president: Shashiben Bapna
ceremony. Shri Mulchandbhai from Secretary: Kekin Sheth
Philadelphia performed the Adhar Abhishek Financial Officers: Manish Zaveri and did an excellent job of explaining the Publication Officer: Vijay Shah meaning behind all the rituals.
One of the shining stars of our programs
is our Pathshala Program with over 150 Trustees: Pradeep Modi (Chair person),
students attending six different classes for Shailesh Trivedi (Vice chair person),
different age groups. Ashaben Jain, Kalpanaben Shah, and Suresh
For more information about our Shah
activities please contact JSH President Shanti Gala at 281-398-7402 or Navin Shah, JAINA Director at 281-565-9780 or by e-mail at navinrshah@yahoo.com.
Jain Society of North Texas celebrated Diwali with Mahavir Nirvan Pooja followed by children's program. Young children performed two dances and a skit on vegetarianism. Children ages 9-13 presented a program titled "401K Plan for This Life and Beyond" contrasting between a traditional investment club and people doing Swadhyay and doing something for their soul's uplift. The older group presented a Jainpardy or a jeopardy game around Jain topics. The meeting was concluded with Aartis and Sangh Jaman.
YJA Southwest Regional Conference scheduled in Dallas during the Thanksgiving weekend was postponed and will be rescheduled during a long weekend in January
JSNT contact is our current president Bhal Daulat at 214-824-1953, email: thewhiterocker@yahoo.com. JSNT website is www.dfwjains.org.
During the last quarter Jain Center of Greater Phoenix celebrated Diwali Puja and Guru Jayanti. Diwali Puja function was introduced last year and all members liked it and requested its continuation. EightDravya pooja was performed by approximately 40 families. A few members did first time at our center, Bhagwan's Abhisek. About 175 people attended the celebration.
Guru Jayanti program started with Stavans, short messages from Pathshala children, speech on the importance of Guru, and recitation of Atma-Siddhi. Program ended with Aarti and Mangal divo. Pathshala children dressed up and gave short messages as some well-known people. For example, Sunny Shah dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi and Priti Shah as Mother Teresa among many other children.
JAIN DIGEST-Fall 2003 / 23
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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