Book Title: Jain Digest 2002 04
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 21
________________ REGIONAL NEWS Dr. Kumarpalbhai Desai from Ahmedabad, WEST from United States, Canada and England India gave two lectures. Dr. Poddar gave a Chandrakant Parekh, Regional Editor were booked at the Renaissance Hotel, Long lecture on Vastushastra detailing what it is Beach. A variety of activities were planned and how people can benefit from using it. to facilitate maximum interaction and netPathshala classes had a tremendous year working, including "Gone in 60 seconds" - LOS ANGELES, CA with about 200 students are learning Jain an interactive speed dating session, a dinreligion. Regular monthly Samuh Samayik ner under the stars, a midnight cruise, a were well Jain Center of Southern California picnic on the beach, an early morning Yoga attended. Dedicated members keep the (JCSC) achieved a major milestone for its class, and a team-building breakout session. Dehrasar open on every Sunday in the af- Jain Bhavan Expansion Project, when During the "Fish Bowl", the participants ternoon. If you are visiting New Jersey / Bhoomi Pujan was done in the presence of were divided into a male and female circuNew York City area and would like to visit several distinguished guests including lar panel to discuss the preferred qualities. or attend a program, please call Shri Viren Mayor Patsy Marshall, Council Members, Mutual trust, honesty, open communicaShah at 732 - 329 - 3236 and Planning Commission Members of the tion, and attractiveness were identified as City of Buena Park. Shri Chandrakant the desired attributes. "Something like this Mehta of New Jersey directed the ceremo- was very much needed, and it was wonder nies. Phase I construction will begin soon fully organized," noted a participant from WASHINGTON, DC after the final negotiations have been com- Toronto, Canada. Additional details of the pleted with the successful contractor. event and the participants are available at Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated on Sat- Over 500 people attended the Mahavir the www.jain website. urday, April 20, 2002 in a school audito- Janma Kalyanak program celebrated on Jain Forum For Friendship has scheduled rium with a stage program presented by 71 April 28. The celebrations included a cul- a gathering to unite Jain singles, 21 years children. It consisted of prayer songs, prayer tural program presented by the Pathshala and older, at the Jain Bhavan on May 17dances, Jain stutis, skits, and two dramas. Students and a lecture on Kalpa Sutra by 19. JAINA Education Committee has The highlight of the program was the drama Professor Padmanabh Jaini. scheduled the Second Jain Pathshala Teach"Megh Kumar" performed with excellent The 12th Annual Health Fair, co-spon- ers Conference on Jain Education For Digicostumes and background scenes. All the sored by JCSC and the Jain Social Group tal Generation at the Jain Bhavan on May participants were presented with a trophy. of Los Angeles was organized on April 7. 25-27. Registration information for these The stage program was followed by Swami It was gratifying to note that significant two events are available on websites Vatsalya Bhojan. About 500 people at number of non-Jains and non-Indians took and tended the program. advantage of the event to seek consultation respectively. Samuha Ayambil program was held on from health professionals representing over Sunday, April 21. Ayambil was performed twenty different disciplines. A photo art Information about regular activities and by about 20 persons. Members of the Jain exhibition entitled "Jain Pilgrimage - A forthcoming programs are posted on JCSCS Sangh of Richmond, Virginia visited the Picturesque Experience” was presented at website at A copy of Jain center on March 23. The program the Jain Bhavan on April 20-21 by the recent newsletter can also be downconsisted of Swami Vatsalya Bhojan fol- Mahendra Visaria, a well-known photog. loaded from this website. For additional lowed by a Bhavana program. A funfair rapher from India, and included 120 pho- information, please contact Nitinbhai Shah, will be held at the Jain Center on June 23. tos of various Jain Temples throughout In- JCSC President, at 714/506-6699 or Program will consist of food bazaar, and dia. medical tests. For Paryushan this year, Jain Singles Meet And Network: Jain Achara Shree Mahapragyaji has kindly ac- Center of Southern California organized cepted our invitation to send Samani Shree the Jain Forum For Friendship, an event deMangal Pragyaji to grace the celebration. SAN FRANCISCO, CA signed to bring Jain singles together at a three-day "matchmaking event in May 17. Jain Center of Northern California 19. With the goal of helping single Jains to (JCNC) celebrated the 2601th Mahavir meet that someone special", 150 registered Janma Kalyanak on April 27 with a wonparticipants, ranging in age 21 to 33 years, 33 vears derful 2-hour cultural program entitled “Jai derf JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 2002 / 19 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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