Book Title: Jain Digest 2001 07 Vol 19 No 03
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 24
________________ DASLAKSHANA PARVA by Sbital Shab Daslakshan Parva (Festival of the Ten Virtues) is the Paryushan is only by achieving Samyak Dharshan that the soul ceases to infestival as celebrated by the Digambar Jains. The full title is flict pain on itself and attains supreme happiness. Paryushan Parvathiraj, the 'king of festivals' because 'Parva' means 2) Uttam Mardav or Supreme Modesty/ Humility: festival of auspicious time and thiraj' means 'the king of'. a) Vyavahar Uttam Mardav: Wealth, good looks, reputable family During Paryushan Jains practice penances, vows, fast and study. or intelligence often leads to pride. Pride means to believe one to If not fasting, they refrain from eating green vegetables. Paryushan les. Paryushan be cune be superior to others and to look down on others. By being proud is the time to celebrate the natural qualities of the soul. Just as the you are measuring your worth by temporary material objects. These soul does not have a beginning or an end, Paryushan does not have objects will either leave you or you will be forced to leave them a beginning or an end. (when you die). These eventualities will cause you unhappiness as Before we discuss the ten Dharmas, it is important to under- a result of the dent' caused to your self-worth. Being humble will stand two common viewpoints found in our scriptures. Vyavahar prevent this. Pride also leads to the influx of the bad deed or paap view, in crude terms, helps you to live more easily and peacefully karmas. with the outside world. It also builds up your reserve of good b) Nischay Uttam Mardav: All souls are equal, none being sudeeds (punya karmas). The Nischay view helps to enhance and perior or inferior to another. In the words of Srimad Rajchandra: blossom the soul's natural qualities. In Jainism the Vyavahar view Sarva Jeev Che Sidh Sum, le Samje Te Thai - All souls are akin to is always considered to be 'by the by'. The Nischay view is consid the Sidh; those who understand this principle will achieve that ered to be the most important as it leads to contemplation and state'. The Nischay view encourages you to understand your true understanding of the true nature of the soul with the aim of its nature. All souls have the potential to be Sidh Bhagvan (liberated natu purification, the ultimate goal of practising Paryushan. Merely soul). The only difference between the liberated souls and those in practising the Vyavahar dharmas may bind punya karmas, leading bondage is that the former have attained liberation as a result of to material gain in this life and the next; but this will not help their effort'. With effort, even the later can achieve liberation. bring an end to the cycle of the births, lives and deaths. 3) Uttam Arjav or Supreme Straight Forwardness : The Dharmas are all prefixed by the word 'Uttam (Supreme) to a) Vyavahar Uttam Arjav: The action of a deceitful person is to signify that they are practised at the highest level by the Jain monks. think one thing, speak something else and do something entirely The householder practises them to a lesser extent. It lasts over a different. There is no harmony in his thought, speech and acperiod of 10 days, each day being dedicated to one of the ten tions. Such a person loses credibility very quickly and lives in Dharmas. constant anxiety and fear of his deception being exposed. Being 1) Uttam Kshama or Supreme Forgiveness: straightforward or honest oils the wheel of life. You will be seen to a) Vyavahar Kshama Dharma: We forgive those who have be reliable and trustworthy. Deceitful actions lead to the influx of wronged us and seek forgiveness from those we have wronged. paap karmas. Forgiveness is sought not just from human colleagues, but from b) Nischay Uttam Arjav: Delusion about one's identity is the all living beings ranging from one sensed to five sensed. If we do root cause of unhappiness. Be straightforward to yourself and not forgive or seek forgiveness, and instead harbour resentment, recognise your true nature. The soul is made up of countless qualiwe bring misery and unhappiness on ourselves and in the process ties like knowledge, happiness, effort, faith, and conduct. It has shatter our peace of mind and make enemies. Forgiving and seek the potential to achieve 'Keval Gran' (omniscience) and reach a ing forgiveness oils the wheel of life allowing us to live in harmony state of supreme bliss. Again, the body, karmas, thoughts, and all with our fellow beings. It also attracts punya karma. the emotions are separate from the true nature of the soul. Only b)Nischay Kshma Dharma: Forgiveness here is directed to one- by practising Nischay Arjav Dharma will one taste the true happiself. The soul, in a state of mistaken identity or false belief, as- ness that comes from within. sumes that it consists of the body, the karmas and the emotions 4) Uttam Sauch or Supreme Contentment: e.g. like, dislike, anger, pride etc. As a result of this incorrect belief a) Vyavahar Uttam Sauch: Be content with the material gains it inflicts pain upon itself and is thus the cause of its own misery. that you have accomplished thus far - striving for greater material Nischay Kshama Dharma teaches the soul to correctly identify it wealth and pleasure will not, contrary to popular belief, lead to self by encouraging the soul to contemplate in its true nature and happiness. Desire for more is a sign that we do not have all that hence achieve the state of correct belief or 'Samyak Dharshan'. It we want. Reducing this desire and being content with what you have leads to satisfaction. Accumulating material objects merely fuels the fire of desire. 22 / JAIN DIGEST. FALL 2001 Jain Education International 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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