Book Title: Jain Digest 1999 07
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 24
________________ HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE PHILADELPHIA, PA Federation of JAINA Presidential Acceptance Speech Respected Sadhus, Sadhvis, Dignitaries, and Sadharmic Broth- margaha", so our faith, knowledge and conduct should be right. We ers and Sisters, and our future generation can not be called educated if their It is indeed a distinct honor for me and the newly elected education is not associated with right faith. As we know there are no Executive committee to be given the privilege of working for JAINA living gods, Tirthankaras or Kevalis and not even many gurus are for next two years. I do realize that each of us carries enormous available in this part of the world. As Acharya Kundkunda said responsibility. However, as I look around here, the load does not feel "Swadhyay param tapa”, So we have to learn our religion by ourself as heavy. I sincerely congratulate the present administration led by thru Swadhayay of Jinvani where our Acharya have very kindly put Dr. Dhiraj Shah as well as other previous administrations led by: Dr. in the teachings of Jina.. I am happy that Dr. Duli Chand Jain, Dr. Manoj Bhai Dharamsi, Dr. Tansukh Salgia, Dr. Sulekh Jain, Dr. Prem Gada, Pravin Shah, Dr. Manu Bhai Doshi, and others are Jagat Jain, Dr. Mani Bhai Mehta and others. They laid down a working very hard to guide us in our Swadhyaya. This executive strong foundation on which building JAINA for preserving our committee would like to enhance this activity in the field of heritage seems to be much easier. I want to thank Samarpan Jain education by insisting that: Sangh, and conveners of this convention, Devendra Bhai and Meeta Each household should have a "mini Jain library"a collection Peer, with their convention board for putting on a marvelous and of three to five books on the basic principles of Jainism. Recently memorable convention. available books include: "JAINA Philosophy and Religion" by The Federation of JAINA is a unique institution and does not Nagin Shah, an English translation of an original Gujrati book, have many parallels in the Jain World today. During the past twenty “JAINA DARSHAN" by Muni Nayanvijayji, and " Jainism: A years of its existence it has strived for and succeeded to unite all Jains Pictorial Guide to the Religion of Non-Violence" by a German as Jains inspite of the diversity in religious tradition, rituals, cus- scholar Kurt Titze is an attempt in this direction. My congratulatoms, language, and regional origin. This is mainly because we tions and thanks to JAINA Trust and its Trustees for making these believe in unity of Jains nor uniformity in Jains and the same belief books available to us. should guide us into the next millenium. More seminars and classes should be conducted to educate As we enter the next millenium our efforts should first of all be ourselves. For this I look forward to Dr. Duli Chand Jain, Shri directed towards us Jains, who are called Jains simply because of our Pravin Bhai Shah, Shri Prem Bhai Gada, Shri Sulekhji Jain, Dr. birth in a Jain family, be converted to Jainism and become true Jains. Surendraji Singhvi, Shri Manu Bhai Doshi, Dr. Surendra Jain and At the turn of the century, humankind is looking for a system of others to step forward and take this responsibility. thoughts, which is Democratic in spirit, scientific in temper, Third and equally important step to achieving the above goals rational, and humane in outlook. Jainism provides all of these is that all our centers should have temples and sthanaks with libraries However, we have not been able to make a mark in society and and pathshalas. We should have more Jain Centers wherever there propagate the true principles of Jains. The reasons are obvious, as we are Jain families living. I would like to organize a strong JAIN have not understood the essentials of Jainism in their proper TEMPLE COMMITTEE and call upon you all for your active perspective, their significance in our daily lives and relevance to the participation to accomplish this purpose. world today. Our doctrines of Anekantvad, Ahimsa, Aparigrah, and Teerth Yatra: Our teerths are eternal source of charging us Anukampa have no parallels. Our law of Karma makes each indi spiritually. Our Yatra sangh of Sri Sammedh Shikharji is still feeling vidual fully responsible for his progress or decay, a sort of complete the vibrations of change in their life. For that I look forward to the individual autonomy. There is no such thing as accidental happen- continued Leadership of our secretary Dilip bhai Shah. ing or mercy of supernatural or Gods in Jainism. Every effect, every JAIN DIGEST, besides giving all national and International news action has a cause which lies in the individual himself. Jainism is should also become a source of educating us in the field of religion. based on rational, scientific and practical considerations of self- I do congratulate Lataben Champsee and Navin Jain and the entire development, well being, and happiness. It stands for universal love Editorial Board for doing a superb job and ask them to take this and liberalism in both thought and conduct. added responsibility by adding a strong religious editorial board. Besides so many worthy projects already in place and progress- JAINA calendar giving all the Tithi and Tyohars during the ing, in the next two years, this executive committee would like to see year, starting the year 2000. most of us born Jains to be converted to Jainism and become true To carry out this essential task of converting born Jains to Jains fully understanding its principles and putting them in practice. Jainism and becoming true Jains, as our President, Dr. Dhiru Bhai As Umaswami said "Samyak darshan-gyan-charitrani moksha Shah said, “We need your time, talent, and treasures." I am not sure 22/JAIN DIGEST FALL 1999 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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