Jain Digest
Fund Raising Commit
Hindu Heritage Research Foundater. A special appeal goes out to Jain contacts for awareness of many action of Pittsburgh by our represen- youth to join this committee so that tivities taking place at JAINA and tation on the International Board of a truly national committee can be the same for all of our Centers: Trustees of the HHRF, so that mate developed where every Jain center | Nirmal Dosi, Chair (above) rial on Jainism is included, as pro- is working on a project.
908-390-0296 fessed by Jain scholars, based on
Your ideas on goals, objec- Sangeeta Jain, Co-Chair historical and archeological facts. tives, and programs are welcomed.
908-390-0411 Please call the Jain Society Please contact Garish Shah, 4048 Bachchubhai Mehta of Rochester, (716)-334-8330, if you Twyla Lane, Campbell, CA 95008
718-997-1939 would like to help or have any sug- 3721, or call (408) 378-8765. Naresh Shah gestions.
516-741-9269 Committee members JAINA
Sulekh Jain Shree C. Jain, Chair (above), Jain
513-777-1554 Society of Rochester
Kishore Doshi Mahendra B. Nanavati, Jain
713-561-9887 Society of Rochester
Santosh Shah Dinesh S. Shah, Jain Society of
504-340-4283 Rochester
Mahendra Mehta Usha Sheth, Jain Socity of
416-241-2044 Rochester tee
Manoj Dharamsi Ravi Pahade, Jain Society of Buffalo
703-620-9837 A national fund raising
Jagat Jain
716-688-0104 Committee has recently been prom lain
Prem Jain formed. Its main objective is to raise
510-770-0503 funds through donations. The
Kirit Shah Committee would like to become a
314-394-1015 link between JAINA and the com
Television and other media munity.
are presently being contacted. Press Committee members
releases have been issued concernVibhuti K. Gosalia, Chair (above) During the JAINA conven
ing Mahavir Jayanti, election of the
Phoinix, AZ tion in Stanford, CA (July, 1991), a
JAINA executive committee, and the Nikin Mehta decision was made to form an Ecol
formation of new JAINA national
Dallas, TX ogy Committee. The first task of the
committees. Mahesh Sanghave Committee will be to establish the
We request all of our Jain
Los Angeles, CA goals, objectives, and programs for
centers to contact us concerning any Dilip Shah the JAINA in each area. The main
present and future activities so that
Dallas, TX objective would be to work with
they may be advertised. We would Harshad Desai other environmental groups in pro
also be happy to receive your sug
Phoenix, AZ moting the Jain idea of Ahinsa (non
gestions. Please mail any press Contact Vibhuti Gosalia, 14853 N. violence) which extends into na
matter to: Nirmal Dosi, 21 Rice Run,
12th St., Phoenix, AZ 85022, or call ture. Such joint projects may offer
East Brunswick, NJ 08816. (602) 863-1073. an opportunity to increase the awareness of Jainism and promote Jain philosophy.
Patrons of this issue Committee members Girish Shah, Chair (above) Prof. Harish Jain
Shree Mahavir Jain Michael Tobias
charitable foundation Ms. Shandra Segal
Santa Ana, CA Dr. Vinay Jain C. N. Shanghavi, Bombay tee
Krishna/Vijya Gosavi
Aurangabad, India The committee would like
The following committee at least one member from each cen- I was formed to perform the media
JAINA Ecology Committee
JAINA public relations commit
Jain Education Intemational
For Private & Personal Use Only