Book Title: Jain Digest 1992 01
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ Sangh from Boston -Jain Digest Mahavir. Understanding the significance | Ahimsa Celebration | Temple committee: of this Pooja, The Jain Center of Central Ohio, Columbus has started performing committee named initial questionnaire this Pooja once every month. Any other center who may be interested in the details results released and Samagri of Snatra Pooja should contact: Sailesh Parikh at (614) 863 5436 or By Dr. Mahendra Pandya, Staten Island Narendra Shah at (614) 891 0830. An initial analysis of the response to the questionnaire sent out in the Octo ber, 1991 issue of the Jain Digest indicates Diets are including that a majority of our Jain readers favor our more vegetables temples to have both Digamber and Shwetamber Murtees on the same plat form with Namokar Mantra in the middle. From Cincinnati Enquirer Jan. 4, 1992 Most of them felt that this arrangement is U.S.consumers' diets have shifted an ideal representation of all the Jains. The dramatically in the past 20 years from Jain Centers of Dallas, Toronto Pittsburgh heavy consumption of meat and animal Surendra Singhvi and Buffalo have already adopted such an products to a larger emphasis on crop prod arrangement in their temples. ucts. To promote the principles of non The JAINA temple committee From 1970 to 1990, a period when violence in North America among Jains again urges all of the readers to please send per capita food consumption climbed 8%, and non-Jains, the Federation of JAINA their suggestions, for input while the plans use of animal products in diets rose less has established a new committee for the for temples in North America are being than 1%, while consumption of crop prodAhimsa Day Celebration naming Surendra finalized. Please send suggestions to Dr. ucts rose 16%, according to USDA's anSinghvi as chairperson. All Jain Centers Mahendra Pandya 3371 Richmond Ave., nual Food Review. are encouraged to celebrate Ahimsa Day Staten Island, New York 10312. "Diets have shifted away from on the first Sunday in October (To be in meat or animal products as the main entree aproximity with Mahatma Gandhi's birthtoamixture of animal products, vegetables, day which falls on October 2.) This is also fruits, nuts and grains," Judith Jones being practiced in India under the leader- visits Siddhachalam Putnam wrote in the review. ship of Dr. D.C. Jain, Head of Neurology, The sharp increase in consumpSafdarjang Hospital, New Delhi. For the last three years, the Jain tion of crop products was fueled by ex The following activities may be Center of Greater Boston Sangh has panding use of vegetable fats and oils, encouraged by local Jain Centers: provid been going to Siddhachalam for a weekflour and cereal products, frozen potatoes, ing vegetarian food to homeless people; end trip during summer. This year about peanuts andnuts, Putnam said. donating toys and household items; orga 120 people went there in two buses and a Consumption of fresh fruit rose nizing a program on Ahimsa for all Jains; few cars during the week-end of August 24% to 94.0 pounds per person from 1970practicing Ahimsa by controlling anger, 23-25, 1991. 1990, while fresh vegetable use skyrockgreed, ego, deceit; requesting the local city The highlight of the program was eted to 38% the USDA said. officials to proclaim the Ahimsa Day; and discourses, quesions and answers sessions preparing a news release for local media. and spiritual mantra-chanting with Shree Song book being Comments from all readers are being solic Acharya Sushil Kumarji. Shree Amrendra ited and may be sent to Surendra Singhvi, Muniji held Yoga-training sessions in the translated into 145 Lemon Wood Court., Springsboro, morning and Bhakti-Bhavana program was OH 45066. (513)748-2569. held on Saturday night. On Sunday morn ing, Snatra-pooja was performed in the The Jain Society of Rochester has JAINA World new temple by Shree Khemchandji while translated a number of Stavans (songs) into the Sangh perfomed murtipooja. English and is planning to publish a book- Community Service let that will be distributed to the attendees of the next JAINA convention in Pitts- Committee Sangh from Northern burgh. If you have any song translated into JAINA has established World New Jersey visits English, please let them know so that they Community Service committee under the may include it in the publication. The con- chairmanship of Dr. Dhiraj Shah M.D. of Boston Jain Center tributors of any new material will be duly Buffalo, NY. This committee will underacknowledged in the booklet. For addi- take charitable projects for India. Indeed tional details, please write Anop Vora, 1 one such project for earthquake and drought Jain Center of Greater Boston was Robin Dr., Rochester, NY 14618 or victims is underway. For details contact honored to host a Sangh from Northern call(716) 473-9290. Dr. Dhiraj Shah at (716) 773-1314. New Jersey during Sept 28-29, 1991. NJ English Jain Education Intemational For Private 3 Personal Use Only


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