Jainism and Ecology
Federation and our JAINA form a JAINA of Western Hemi- ciples of Jainism. Jainism is probably the only religion which sphere. We extend our hand, heart, cooperation and re- has thought of AHIMSA in the minutest details. Jainism sources. This is a unique opportunity. Together we should believes that all life forms have ATMA-soul. All souls are establish our agenda, pool our resources and solve our equal. The highest life form having five senses or the lowest problems. Let us resolve today that we will work together to life form having only one sense all have a desire to live. benefit from the vast world of Jain philosophy and tradition.
Jainism believes that "AHIMSA (is) PARMO Jaijinendra
DHARMA"-Non-violence is the supreme religion. According to Jainism to injure, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture or kill any living organism is HIMSAviolence. Jains, therefore, believe in JIVA DAYA, i.e., reverence for life (a synonym for AHIMSA) which means compas
sion and sympathy for all the living organism. by C.N. Sanghavi
But the profound universal truth for all time to come
is proclaimed in the Jain Maxim "PARASPAROPAGRAHO A historic event of major importance took place on Tuesday, 23 October 1990 when a few eminent Jains from all
JIVANAM". All living organisms, however small or big, over the world presented "Jain Declaration on Nature" to
whatever be the development of their senses, are all bound HRH Prince Philip (President of Worldwide Fund for Na
together by mutual support and independence. Hereafter I ture) at Buckingham Palace, London. The dialogue between
will refer to this as "the principle of interdependence." the International Jain Community and Prince Philip and the
Because of the inevitable bound of interdependence, various meetings that followed provided a tremendous
it is necessary that we must develop intimate relationship
with the earth and all its inhabitants. We must establish not opportunity for the Jain community to come closer. It is a great tribute to the Unity of Jains. The decision to publish
only acquaintance with them but also an intimate rapport books on Jainism in English with the help of International
and develop a sense of gratitude, a sense of courtesy, because Sacred Literature Trust (ISLT) will enable the Jains and non
just as all the other species are dependent on us, we are Jains throughout the world to better understand and appre
equally dependent on them. Any abuse or violence of the ciate basic principles and philosophy of Jainism. The "Jain
ecology is bound to react, earlier or later, with vengeance Declaration on Nature" prepared with the help and guidance
against the human being. The principle of interdependence, of about 35 eminent scholars on Jainism in the preservation
therefore, is not only a command but also a warning to the of Nature, ecological harmony and environmental protec
humanity. This principle teaches us not only to "live and let tion. However, in a booklet of eight to nine pages, it is not
live" but also to "let live so that we can live." possible to expound or elucidate the logical, cultural, reli
There is unity in the total cosmological order. There gious or scientific basis in support or justification of these
is unbreakable bond of relatedness. Nothing is complete in
itself without everything else. The evolution of consciousprinciples. As a humble participant to this memorable and
ness and the cultural development of human order is bound momentous event that took place on 23 October 1990, I will
by this communion of the universe. It is only on the basis of try to cover in this article one aspect of the subject, namely
coexistence that we can respect this extraordinary principle "Jainism and Ecology" with special reference to the Jain
of mutual interdependence of all species, i.e., PARASPAprinciple of AHIMSA, i.e., non-violence.
ROPAGRAHO JIVANAM. Ecology, as we know, is the study of interrelation
Having propounded some of the principles of Jainship among living organisms and their environment, i.e., the
ism, i.e., non-violence, reverence for life and the principles of biotic, climatic, edaphic and other conditions which sur
interdependence, let us consider their utility in the mainteround the organism. In a broader perspective, therefore,
nance of ecological balance and environmental protection. ecology would encompass not only the mankind, animals,
One may ask what is the absolute necessity of mainbirds, insects, vegetation and the millions of forms and
taining ecological balance or protecting the environment. varieties of livingorganisms (species) but the entire universe,
What are the risks involved if the above principles are not the BRAHMANDA, its galaxies, its solar system, sun, moon
followed? The answer to this question lies in the devastation and stars, and nearer to us our birth place, the planet earth
and destruction brought on this beautiful planet by human and all that it consists, namely the mountains and plains, the
interference with Nature, particularly during the last century oceans and lakes, the rivers and springs, the woods and
of rapid industrialization. We have polluted the air, water forest, the trees, plants and flowers, the geosphere and hydro
and the soil with toxic substances. We have destroyed sphere, the atmosphere and biosphere, the entire existence of
forests. By several such indiscriminate actions, we are upsetearth, air, fire, water, all that is NATURE.
ting the entire ecological system. We are acting on a geologiMy attempt here is to see how some of the funda
cal and biological order of magnitude. We are changing the mental principles of Jainism, if properly practiced, would
physics and chemistry of the planet indiscriminately. We are and could help in maintaining ecological balance of nature
changing the great hydrological cycles. We are weakening and the preservation of natural environment. But before
the ozone layer that shields us from cosmic rays. We are doing so let me refer very briefly what are these fundamental
inflicting abuse, torture and HIMSA (violence) on the nature principles of Jainism.
and its creation indiscriminately. AHIMSA-Non-violence is one of the basic prin
It is estimated by biologists that on account of enviJain Education Intemational For Prive Page 37 se Only