Book Title: Jain Dharm me Aachar Shastriya Siddhant Part 03
Author(s): Kamalchand Sogani, Shakuntala Jain
Publisher: Jain Vidya Samsthan
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61. Outline of the History of Greek Philosophy, Zeller, Routledge
and Kegan, London 62. Outline of Indian Philosophy, M. Hiriyanna, George Allen &
Unwin, London 63. Pathway of God-realization in Hindi Literature, H. D. Ranada,
Adhyātma Vidyā Mandir, Sāngli 64. Principal Upanişads, George Allen & Unwin, London 65. Religion and Society, Dr. Radhakrishnan, George Allen &
Unwin, London 66. Šāstradīpikā, Pārthasārathi Miśra, Oriental Institute, Baroda 67. Short History of Ethics, R. A. P. Rogers, Mac Millan & Co.
London 68. Studies in Jaina Philosophy, Nathmal Tatia, Jaina Cultural
Research Society, Banaras 69. Uttarādhyayana, Sacred Books of the East, Vol.XLV 70. Vedānta Explained Vol. I & II, Dr. V. H. Date, D. M. Tilak,
Bombay 71. World Problems and Jaina Ethics, Beni Prasad, Jain Cultural
Society, Banaras 72. Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, Micrcea Eliade, Routledge
and Kegan Paul, London
Ethical Doctrines in Jainism
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