Book Title: Jain Dharm me Aachar Shastriya Siddhant Part 02
Author(s): Kamalchand Sogani, Shakuntala Jain
Publisher: Jain Vidya Samsthan
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40. समयसार, कुन्दकुन्द, अमृतचन्द्र और जयसेन की टीका सहित, रायचन्द्र जैन
शास्त्रमाला, बम्बई 41. समाधिशतक, पूज्यपाद, वीरसेवा मन्दिर, दरियागंज, दिल्ली 42. सर्वार्थसिद्धि, पूज्यपाद, भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ, काशी 43. सामायिक पाठ, अमितगति, जिनभारती-संग्रह, श्रीवर्णी दिगम्बर जैन गुरुकुल,
जबलपुर 44. सूत्रपाहुड, कुन्दकुन्द, पाटनी दिगम्बर जैन ग्रन्थमाला, मारोठ ‘अष्टपाहूड' के
अन्तर्गत 45. स्वयंभूस्तोत्र, समन्तभद्र, वीर सेवा मन्दिर, दरियागंज, देहली 46. Ācārānga-Sūtra, Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XXII 47. Atmanusāsana, Gunabhadra, Sacred Books of the East, Vol.
Viii 48. Constructive Survey of Upanisadic Philosophy by R. D.
Ranade; Oriental book Agency, Poona-2 49. Dravya-Samgraha, Sacred Books of the Jains, Vol.I 50. Evolution of Religion, referred by R. D. Ranade, Constructive
Survey of Upanișadic Philosophy 51. Idea of the Holy, Rudolf Otto, Oxford University Press,
London 52. Mahāvīra and his Philosophy of life, Dr. A. N. Upadhye, The
Indian Institute of Culture, Bangalore-4 53. Mysticism in Maharashtra, R.D.Ranade, University of
Bombay, Bombay 54. Niyamsāra, Kundakunda, Sacred Books of the Jains, Vol.IX 55. . Pathway to God-realization in Hindi Literature, H.D.Ranade,
Adhyātma Vidyā Mandira, Sāngli 56. Uttarādhyayana, Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XLV 57. Yaśastilaka and Indian Culture, Handiqui, Jīvarāja
Granthamālā, Sholapur 58. Yoga of the Saints, Dr. V. H. Date, Populer Book Depot,
Ethical Doctrines in Jainism जैनधर्म में आचारशास्त्रीय सिद्धान्त
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