Book Title: Jain Catholic Dialogue 20150524
Author(s): Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington
Publisher: Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington
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Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington
A non-profit tax-exempt religious organization, id # 54-1139623
Jain Associations In North America - JAINA
JAINA was established in 1981 with the blessings of Late Acharya Sushil Kumarji and Gurudev Chitrabhanu. JAINA has grown from four Jain Centers to over 70 Jain centers at present, representing over 100,000 Jains.
JAINA is the only organization representing all Jains in North America irrespective of their languages, traditions or region of India they are hailing from.
JAINA hosts biennial conventions during July 4th week during odd years where thousands of Jains come from all over the world to interact and enlighten themselves. Scholarly presentations by academicians as well as priestly class provide unparalleled forum for Jains and non-Jains. This year the convention will be in Atlanta during July 2 to 5, 2015.
Two major affiliates are: Young Jains of America (YJA) which holds convention during even years and Young Jain Professionals (YJP) which has many networking events throughout North America.
Two major publications are: unique yearly calendar that has become a collector's item and a quarterly publication of JAINA Digest, both of which are mailed to more than 15000 families.
JAINA has more than 30 committees to promote its objectives:
To promote religious and educational activities related to Jainism and to develop a better understanding of the Jain Religion.
To assist existing Jain associations and formation of new Jain associations in North America.
To provide and promote academic and cultural interchanges and cooperation among Jains in North America, India and throughout the world.
To assist and promote charitable and humanitarian community services in North America, India and throughout the world.
To promote vegetarianism and nonviolence.
To assist in the establishment of Jain Temples, Sthanaks, Pathsalas and other facilities.
To establish liaison with governmental and other agencies for the above objectives.
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