Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
the same colour as earth. Monks and nuns, &c. (see 44, down to) inspect them. Those are the small sprouts.
What is understood by small flowers ? Small flowers are declared to be of five kinds: black, blue, &c. There is a kind of small flowers of the same colour as the tree (on which they grow). Monks and nuns, &c. (see § 44, down to) inspect them. Those are the small flowers.
What is understood by small eggs? Small eggs are declared to be of five kinds : eggs of biting insects?, of spiders, of ants, of lizards (or wasps) ?, and of chameleons. Monks and nuns, &c. (see $ 44, down to) inspect them. Those are the small eggs.
What is understood by small caves or lairs ? Small .caves or lairs are declared to be of five kinds: lairs of animals of the asinine kind, chasms, holes, cavities widening below like the stem of a palm tree, and wasps' nests. Monks and nuns, &c. (see § 44, down to) inspect them. Those are the small caves or lairs.
What is understood by small moisture? Small moisture is declared to be of five kinds : dew, hoarfrost 4, fog, hailstones, and damps. Monks and nuns,
* Uddamsa, mosquitoes, gadflies, bugs.
2 Halikâ, explained by grihakokila, which I take to mean time same as grihagolikâ, a kind of lizard; and vrâhmanî, a kind of wasps, ditto, of lizards.
Hallohaliyâ, which is declared by the commentator to be synonymous with ahilodi, saradi, and kakkindi. Of these words only saradî is known; for it seems to be the same with Sanskrit sara/a or saratu, chameleon, lizard,' and Marâthî sarata, 'hedgelizard.'
Himah styânodakah.
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