[ 2 ] his own commentary in Skt. dealing with the duties of a layman. Pt. NATHURAM PREMI, adds an introductory note on Āsādhara and his works. Ed. by PT. MANOHARLAL, Bombay Samvat 1972, Crown pp. 8-246, Price As. 81.
* 3. VIKRANTAKAURAVAM or SULOCANĀ. NĀTAKAM of Hastimalla (A. D. 13th century): A Sanskrit drama in six acts. Ed. with an introductory note on Hastimalla and his works by PT. MANOHARLAL, Bombay Samvat 1972, Crown pp. 4-164, Price As. 6/-.
4. PĀRSVANATHA-CARITAM of Vădirājasūri: Vadiraja was an eminent poet and logician of the 10th century A. D. This is a biography of the 23rd Tirthamkara in Sanskrit extending over 12 cantos. Edited with an introductory note on Vădirāja and his works by PT. MANOHARLAL, Bombay Saṁvat 1973, Crown pp. 18198, Price As. 8/-.
*5. MAITHILIKALYAŅAM or SĪTĀNĀTAKAM of Hastimalla : A Skt. drama in 5 acts, see No. 3 above. Ed. with an introductory note on Hastimalla and his works by Pr• MANOHARLAL, Bombay Samvat 1973, Crown pp. 4-96, Price As. 4/-.
* 6. ĀRĀDHANĀSĀRA of Devasena : A Prākrit work dealing with religiodidactic topics. Prakrit text with the Skt. commentary of Ratnakirtideva, edited by PT. MANOHARLAL, Bombay Samvat 1973, Crown pp, 128, Price As. 4/6.
* 7. JINADATTACARITAM of Guņabhadra : A Skt. poem in 9 cantos dealing with the life of Jinadatta,
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