Book Title: Dharmveer Shree Veerchand Raghavji Gandhi
Author(s): Atmanandji
Publisher: Z_Comtemporary_Jain_Legends_007736_STD.pdf

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________________ have not spoken only on Jainism in America but they have covered also Sankhya Darshan, Yoga Darshan, Nyaya Darshan, Vedant Darshan and Buddha Darshan-various spiritual lines of thinking in Indian scriptures. Swamy Vivekanand was more tended towards Hindu religion. He has strongly criticized Buddhism and yet both the learned personalities met together to establish the greatness of Indian views on religion in foreign countries. Fearlessness in Telling the Truth: Veerchandbhai always said the truth. He was openhearted, honest; sincere in his behavior and so he was very effective. Reverend George F. Pentecost, a representative from London had ridiculed Hinduism by criticizing the system of Devdasi and a woman marrying with god and then held by many. It was only Veerchand Gandhi who defended Indian view against this criticism. He said that I feel pleasure that nobody had the courage to criticize my religion but I will have to reply on the criticism on our society. Veerchandbhai challenged that-this was that Hindu religion for which Greek historians have noted that no Hindu is even known to be telling a lie and no Hindu woman is ever known to be unholy. It is a notable fact that Veerchand Gandhi had deep friendship with many Christians of England and America and yet he seriously criticized the defilement activities of Christian missionaries in India. He has expressed mild reaction towards Americans in his articles, titled "India's Message to America" and "Impressions of America" but he has strongly opposed the defilement activities of Christian priests and missionaries in his article", Have Christian Missions to India been Successful?" He said-you must have heard from your missionaries that the people of India were dirty, characterless and deceitful but did not hear the stories cruelty being inflicted upon these Indians by these missionaries who were said to be delivering the message of love for all human beings. The government had not taxed the goods of Liverpool and Manchester coming to India so as to get there a big market but they taxed the salt in India with a view to get money to conduct their Government at high expenses. The salt is of daily use and it is essential item of everyone. The tax on this item is not at ordinary rate but it is at the rate of two hundred percent. Have you told this face to these missionaries? After this. Veerchandbhai further proceeded with criticism? "If they have not, whose messengers you will call these people who always side with tyranny, who throw their cloak of hypocritical religion over murders and all sorts of criminals who happen to belong to their religion or to their country?" In this Conference of Chicago, Veerchandbhai presented Jainism briefly but effectively. He explained Jainism in two parts: One-Jain Philosophy and two-Jain policy, nine elements, six types of souls, Syadvad, detailed thinking about substance and non-substance in Jainism etc. Everyone heard the philosophy very attentively and it impressed them very well. He explained the special aspects of Jain behavior. He discussed Jain policy. He made comparative study about the existence of the universe and Jainism with other religions. He established that Jainism is older than Buddhism and thereby tried to convince all the audience that Jainism is based on logic, evidence and philosophy. They got a new understanding and expressing his pleasure on American gave his opinion about Veerchandbhai like this: In this Conference of Religions, many philosophers, religious preaches and learned personalities came from India and they presented new vision one way or the other. They went on adding elements after elements in religions so that everyone would feel that their religion is comparable with many of


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