Book Title: Compendium of Jainism
Author(s): T K Tukol, A N Upadhye
Publisher: Prasaranga Karnatak University Dharwar
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Bibliography and References
1. Umāsvämi : Tattvarthasutra (Reality) Chap V, Sūtra (English
translation of Pujya pāda's Sarvārthasiddhi) Vira Sasana
Sangha, 29 Bisvas Road, Calcutta-37. 2. lbid Ch V, Sūtra 32, PP 157-8. 3. Ibid Ch V, Sūtra 33. 4. Ibid Ch V, Sūtra 38. 5. Ghoshal S. C:: Pariksumukham by Manikyanandi, P 147.
(Edited with translation, introduction etc), The Central Jaina
Publishing House, Ajitashrama, Luck ow. 6. Padmarajiah : Jaina Theory of Knowledge and Reality, P 282.
7. Umāsvāmi : Tattvarthasutra (Reality), Ch V, Sūtra 8.
8. Upadhye, A. N.: Introduction to Pravacanasara of Kunda
kunda, PP 79-80.
9. Kamtaprasad: Religion of Tirthankaras, PP 189-90, The world
Jaina Mission, Aligunj (U. P.), 1964.
10. Umāsvāmi : Tattvarthasutra, (Reality), Ch V, Sūtra 6. 11. Manikyanandi : Pariksamukham, Canto 1, Sūtra 1, (Ghoshal
S. C., with English translation etc). 12. Ibid PP 199–200. 13. Jain, S. A.: Reality P 41. 14. Manikyanandi : Pariksamukham, (English commentry) P 201. 15. Gopal, S. : Outlines of Jainism, P 148, Wiley Eastern Private
Ltd. New Delhi-47.
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