Book Title: Charity Saint Shri Meghjibhai Pethraj
Author(s): Atmanandji
Publisher: Z_Comtemporary_Jain_Legends_007736_STD.pdf

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________________ Pethrajbhai submitted to this proposal with heavy heart. They arranged for the ticket of Meghjibhai by giving Ranibai's ornaments as security for money taken. At last, Meghjibhai put his feet on the land of Mombassa on Jyly 18, 1919. Meghjibhai joined a well-known firm as an accountant. The firm was very big and the work was troublesome. Meghjibhai had not seen without earning name, fame and money. Account books are the key records of any business and Meghjibhai knew it well. He learnt writing of the books of accounts with one of his friends and mastered the art of writing books within 2-3 months. He used to work in the firm from morning to late at night. He knew that happiness and wealth is not possible without hard work and discipline, and money earned without hard work does not help but do some harm. It was difficult to earn money, but it was more difficult to preserve it. He was to receive yearly salary of Rs.250 for the first year and 350 for the next year. Meghji started working with all his efforts and knew all the complications of business with his inborn skill and courage. Two years were now over and his master one-day called him. He thought, he must have committed error some where? The master said, "many staff ask for increase in salary within 2-4 months of their service while you have been working silently for all this time" Meghjibhai replied, "Salary was granted after seeing that the man actually deserves it". The master said, "that is why we have decided to increase your salary to Rs. 1500 for this year". Meghjibhai was very much surprised. Be became a person of discussion in the whole firm. He informed his parents in India and they were all extremely pleased. Meghjibhai was friend of everyone. He loved all and he also was loved by all. The greatness hidden in this youth of 18 years began to move. "Shall I work as a servant of the whole of my life? Have I left my native only for this reason?" He wanted to do independent business. His heart was at severe unrest in service. But the love and affection of his masters and colleagues did not allow him to separate from them. There was risk in independent business but there was security in service. He was completing two and a half years in service. He had called on his brothers with them from India and with their co-operation, family duties and self-intuitional force, this young man standing at crossroads dashed for independent business. He collected Rs.185 from well wishers and the three brothers started with independent business in the firm established under the name "Raychand Brothers". They purchased goods at sale rates and sold at retail rates. They were also preparing Vaseline and hair oils at home and sold it by moving village to village. Honest labor does pay much. Very shortly they opened a shop at Nairobi and after some days at Malol. They put up a factory "Aluminum and Industrial works" in 1930. After few more years, they developed a business of extracting tenin from the skin of wotal trees at the bank of Thitha River, not much far from Nairobi. They also developed these trees in that area. They, thus, started various business activities and within the activities of 31 years, thy established, and 55 limited companies in East Africa as well as in India. They had now wealth in crores but they were never slave of money. He always kept simple dress; he behaved sympathetically with everyone. As a result, all the members of his staff, including officers, respected him as their elder member of family. They were all totally faithful to him. He always cared for the pains and pleasures of every member of the staff even the lowest. Towards Renunciation: Once travelling in a plane, there were heavy jerks and this put he to deep thinking. How to use so much wealth? He decided at once. He had entrusted all the responsibilities of his total business at Africa to a British Mr. Gray. The responsibility of Mumbai office was given to Shri C.V. Shah. Mr. Shah was looking after all the affairs of Shri Meghjibhai in India. Meghjibhai loved him like his own son. 164


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