Book Title: Buddhist Studies 1984 1990
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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Page 54
________________ JPTS 10 (1985), pp. 23-36, 11 (1987), pp. 33-49, 12 (1988), pp. 4963, 13 (1989), pp. 219-227; 'An Epithet of Nibbana', Śramana Vidya (Sarnath, 1987), pp. 23-31; 'An Aspect of External Sandhi in Pali', Buddhist Studies 17 (1988), pp. 89-95; "The origin of Pali and its posi-. tion among the Indo-European languages', Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies 1 (1988), pp. 1-27; 'Dialect Forms in Pali', Dialectes dans les littératures indo-aryennes (Paris, 1989), pp. 369-392; "The Metres of the Lakkhaṇa-suttanta (II)', Indologica Taurinensia XIV (1987-1988), pp. 285-294; 'Notes on the Patna Dharmapada', Amala Prajñā (Delhi, 1989), pp. 431-444. Oskar von Hinüber, 'Zum Perfekt im Pali', KZ 96 (1982/83), pp. 3032; 'Pāli as an artificial language', Indologica Taurinensia X (1982), pp. 133-140; 'Die älteste Literatursprache des Buddhismus', Saeculum XXXIV, 1 (1983), pp. 1-9; 'Pāli manuscripts of canonical texts from North Thailand', JSS 71 (1983), pp. 75-88; 'Two Jātaka Manuscripts. from the National Library in Bangkok', JPTS X (1985), pp. 1-22; Die Sprachgeschichte des Pali im Spiegel der südostasiatischen Handschriftenüberlieferung. Mainz, 1988; "The Pāli manuscripts kept at the Siam society, Bangkok. A short catalogue', JSS 75 (1987), pp. 9-74; 'Das buddhistische Recht und die Phonetik des Pali', StII 13/14 (1987), pp. 101-127; 'The oldest dated manuscript of the Milindapañha', JPTS XI (1987), pp. 111-119, XII (1988), pp. 173-174. 17 David Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. Indian Buddhists & their Tibetan Successors. London, 1987. Cf. J. W. de Jong, IIJ 32 (1989), pp. 219-226. Richard Gombrich, Theravada Buddhism. A Social History from Ancient Benares to Modern Colombo. London-New York, 1988. Cf. J.W. de Jong, IIJ 32 (1989), pp. 239-242. Paul Williams, Mahayana Buddhism. The Doctrinal Foundations. (54)


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