explained by different kinds of naam karma which operate and guide the construction of the organic body in each individual.
The naam (physique-making) karmas is divided in 93 classes and comprise the state of existence, the class, the body, the formation of the chief and secondary parts, the binding (union), molecular interfusion, structure, joints, touch, taste, smell, colour, movement of the soul after death, neither heavy nor light, self-annihilation, annihilation by others, emitting warm splendour, emitting cool luster, respiration, gait, individual body, mobile being, amiability, a melodious voice, beauty of form, minute body, complete development of the organs), firmness,, lustrous body, glory and renown, and the opposite of these (commencing from individual body), and the Tirthankaratva.
The enumeration is wonderfully comprehensive so as to cover all states of existence and the classes of beings with one to five senses. This is due to the rise of nama-karma of the class of one-sensed being and so on.
The causes of naam-karma which are responsible for the different kinds of bodies (sarira-naam-karma) have been explained by Umasvami. According to him crooked activities and deception cause the influx of inauspicious physique- making karmas. Crookedness is vakrata meaning departure from the straightforward ways, activities which are perverse and actuated by want of rectitude. Deceiving others is another form of crookedness. Both create mental vibrations of questionable character and if activities succeed, they cause misery and suffering to others, both are unwholesome activities and do cause bonding of inauspicious physique-making karmas. The greater the crookedness or deception, the more intense is the nature of the Karma.
The opposite of these, viz., straightforward activity, honesty and candour cause the influx of auspicious body making karmas. Those who are straightforward in their thoughts and speech attract the auspicious karma. Persons of honesty and integrity have respect for the virtuous. They honour the pious and the holy saints. Such persons are aware of the misery of worldly life and hence they are careful in thought and action.
Gotra- Karma
Gotra-Karma is the third kind of non-destructive karma which determines the status of the family, heredity etc. Modern biologists accept the theory of heredity as a factor operating in the life of human beings and animals. The status determining karmas are of two kinds: the one determines the high status and the other low status. Owing to the former, individual takes birth in a noble family of high prestige and respectability. The other is responsible for birth in a low family where fame and prestige are unknown.
Umaswami has said that censuring others, self-praise, being oblivious to the good qualities in others and proclaiming noble qualities which are not present in oneself cause the