2. I shall daily engage myself for two hours in the study,
practice, experiment, publicity and implementation of
spiritality. 3. I shall keep a dairy of my daily programme. II. Realiser's Right Spiresolution
1. I accept realisery with self-testimony.
I am only a human being. I am totally free from the Sanatana, Jaina, Bauddha, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Judaic and other religions. I am a wayer of the Atmamarga.
I am totally, free from the human society's divisive institutions, the matteric masterdom, religionism, colourism, casteism, ritualism, regionalism and finitism. Only
realuum is spirital. I am quality-less, infinite and fearless. 4. I shall daily engage myself for two hours in the study,
practice, experiment, publicity, implementation and the
spiri-meditation of the qualitylessness. 5. I shall keep a dairy of my daily programme. III. Houser Samnyasips Right Spiresolution
1. I accept houser samnyasa with self-testimony. 2. I hereby renounce householdership and the possessive
attachment. I shall reside in a house. I shall be free from the ascetic-robe and beggary. My bear minimum physical needs shall be met with by my progenies or friends or the
trust. 3. The trust-property of my trust, if any, after the demise of
myself and my wife, shall be used for the programmes of
spiritality. 4. I am only a human being. I am totally free from the
Sanatana, Jaina, Bauddha, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Christian, Judaic and other religions. I am a wayer of the Atmamarga,