Book Title: Atmasiddhi
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Manu Doshi
Publisher: Manu Doshi

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________________ FORWARD In modern times, Shrimad Räjchandra (Räychandbhäi) has taught the path of selfrealization to the aspirants, who had strayed from the true path of Lord Mahävir, in a simple language. He had attained the self-realization and his living was saintly without any attachment for a position, wealth, fame, and even his body. He was friendly to all. In 142 stanzas of the "Atmasiddhi" he has taught the pathway to self-realization, the true meaning of life. Mahätmä Gandhi was greatly influenced by Shrimad. His teachings had helped Gandhi to develop the non-violent way of life and the non-violent freedom struggle for India. In his autobiography, Gandhiji writes, "No one else has ever made on me the impression that Räychandbhai did". His pathway of true happiness is a boon to the spiritual aspirants in the 21st century where religion and faith could play major pacifying roles in many of today's conflicts in the world. I have known shri Manubhai Doshi of Chicago for quite sometime. He is wellread and was a teacher in Jain Pathshala in Chicago for many years. He is active in Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago. He is the editor of fine publication "Jain Darshan". Shri Manubhai has translated many prose and poems into English for the benefit of young Jains and new generation. Being a teacher and professional, he is meticulous and well organized. It is indeed gratifying that Manubhai has written this English version with short commentary on Atmasiddhi by Shrimad Räjchandra. Before embarking on this project, he has carefully researched the related past work and included the essence of it with due credit and references. He has studied Vachanamrutji (the collection of spiritual letters by Shrimad Räjchandra, about 1000 page volume) very well and has provided plenty of references and quotes to elucidate the profound spiritual wisdom behind the simple-looking stanzas of Ätmasiddhi. Manubhai has organized the book in a way that can be used by beginners, scholars, Jains and non-Jains alike. For each stanza, he has provided original stanza in Gujarati, followed by English transliteration, English translation and his commentary in terms of explanation & discussion. English translation in verse by Pujya Brahmachäriji is included in Appendix-I for reference and reverence. The Letter of Six Fundamentals in prose, the original basis of this Atmasiddhi Shastra, is included in Appendix-II. Shri Manubhai has translated it in English. This way he caters to the needs of most readers. Since Manubhai has studied other Darshans (theological schools), he has been able to bring out the deeper meaning and relate it properly. I am sure, it will go a long way in spreading the teachings of Jainism; by Lord Mahavir and his dedicated disciple Shrimad Räjchandraji. There are six major theological schools in Indian Aryan culture. Each is right in its own way and has something good to offer. Although there is partial truth in each, none is complete. Jainism has synergistically integrated all of them with due respect. The Six Fundamental tenets deal with these six schools and Atmasiddhi Shästra is representative of the same. In pointing out only partial truth in each school, no denigration or disrespect is intended. The purpose is simply to state impartially that Jainism, and Ätmasiddhi in particular, includes and integrates all the six tenets appropriately. Manubhai has treated this issue very well in stanza 44 and elsewhere.


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