Book Title: Atmasiddhi
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Manu Doshi
Publisher: Manu Doshi

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________________ from the afflictions of birth, old age, death, disease etc. All those, who are convinced of the soul by the words of enlightened persons in the form of these six Fundamentals, have realized their true state. In the past they have been freed from worries, disease, afflictions and all other interactions; they presently do so and the same will happen in future. Je satpurushoe janma, jarä, maranano näsh karavävälo swaswaroopamä sahaj avasthän thaväno upadesh kahyo chhe, te satpurushone atyant bhaktithi namskär chhe. Teni nishkäran karunäne nitya pratye nirantar stavavämän pan ätmaswabhnäv pragate chhe, evä sarva satpurusho, tenä сharanärvind sadäy hradayane vishe sthäpan raho! Let our highly devoted obeisance be to the enlightened persons, who have instructed to abide at ease within the true self, which can forever end the affliction of birth, old age and death. The true nature of soul can arise by daily and continuous adoration of their innate compassion. The lotus-like feet of all such persons may always stay at our hearts. Je chha padthi siddha chhe evun ätmaswaroop te jenä vachanane angikar karye sahajamä pragate chhe, je ätmaswaroop pragatwäthi sarvakäl jiv sampoorna änandne präpta thai nirbhay thäy chhe, te vachananä kahenär evä satpurushanä gunani vyäkhyä karwäne ashakti chhe, kem ke jeno pratyupakär na thai shake evo paramätmabhäv te jäne kain pan ichchhyä vinä mätra nishkäran karunäshiltäthi äpyo, em chhatän pan jene anya jivane vishe ä märo shishya chhe, athavä bhaktino kartä сhhe mate märo chhe, em kadi joyun nathi, evä je satpurush tene atyant bhaktie fari fari namaskär ho! It is not possible to define the attributes of the enlightened persons, the adoption of whose instructions can easily lead to the manifestation of true Self as evidenced by these six Fundamentals. By virtue of such manifestation the soul attains the everlasting bliss and gains fearlessness. The enlightened persons have conferred the unrewardable supreme disposition, without desiring anything whatsoever, by virtue of their innate compassion; yet they have never even conceived of so and so being my pupil or of being mine because he is my devotee. Repeated obeisance with intense devotion to such enlightened persons. Je satpurushoe sadguruni bhakti nirupan kari chhe, te bhakti mätra shishyanä kaltänane arthe kahi chhe. Je bhaktine präpta thaväthi sadgurunä ätmäni cheshtäne vishe vrutti rahe, apoorva gun drashtigochar thai anya swachchhand mate, ane saheje ätmabodh thäy em jänine je bhaktinun nirupam karyun chhe, te bhaktine ane te satpurushne fari fari trikäl namaskär ho! The enlightened persons have urged for devotion to the true Guide solely for the benefit of pupils. They have done it so that the tendency of the pupil may stay towards the state of Guru's soul; self indulgence may come to the end on witnessing their unprecedented attributes and self-realization may occur at ease. Repeated and all-time obeisance to that devotion and to those enlightened persons. Jo kadi pragatpane vartamänmän kevaljnänani utpati thai nathi, pan jenä vachananä vichäryoge shaktipane kevaljnän chhe em spashta jänyun chhe, shraddhäpane kevaljnän


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