Book Title: Anekantavada Author(s): Harisatya Bhattacharya Publisher: Atmanand Jain Sabha View full book textPage 4
________________ FOREWORD. The title of this book would seem to indicate that it deals with mere Logical or Epistemological inquiries. Primarily, however, it is an essay in Jaina epistemology. But in Indian philosophy metaphysios and epistemology always go together. For instance, every Indian system of philosophy takes for granted the necessity of a right theory of knowledge. Hence the acceptance of the Pramanas is a preliminary to every future metaphysical discussion. In the West, however, epistemology is of recent growth and has derived its impetus from the advancement of science. What can I know? Is what I know true ? Are there limits to my knowledge ? In short the problems of the origin, validity and limits of knowledge are the problems of epistemology. It is quite clear, that any theory of knowledge is bound to have implications regarding the nature of Existence which may be of vital importance to metaphysics. Fortunately for Jaina philosophy the bug-bear of agnosticism does not raise its head. The Jaina philosophy believes that every substance (174) is knowable. The concept of Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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