Book Title: Adda Or Oldest Extant Dispute Between Jains And Heretics
Author(s): W B Bollee
Publisher: W B Bollee

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________________ ADDA OR THE OLDEST EXTANT DISPUTE BETWEEN JAINS AND HERETICS 437 Glasenapp, Helmuth von (1925) Der Jainismus. - Berlin. Gokhale, B. G. (1951) Some obscure cults, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Grierson, George (1885) Bihar Peasant Life. - Calcutta. Handiqui, Krishna K. (1949) Yasastilaka and Indian Culture. - Sholapur. Handiqui, Krishna K. (1965) Naisadhacarita. - Poona. Hopkins, Edward (1915) Epic Mythology. - Strassburg. Jacobi, Hermann (1886) Ausgewahlte Erzahlungen in Maharastri. - Leipzig. Jacobi, Hermann (1895) Jaina Sutras II. - Oxford. - (Sacred Books of the East xlv). Jacobi, Hermann (1970) Kleine Schriften. - Wiesbaden. Jones, J. J. (1952) The Mahavastu II. - London. Kane, Pandurang Vaman (1974) History of Dharmasastra II, 1. - Poona. Linke, Elfrun (1998) Glossary of Schubring's Doctrine of the Jainas. in: Bollee I: 374 411. Norman, Kenneth R. (1990-1996) Collected Papers I-VI. - Oxford. Norman, Kenneth R. (1996) The Group of Discourses II. Oxford. - (Pali Text Society * Translation Series; 45). Norman, Kenneth R. (1997) The Word of the Doctrine. - Oxford. - (Pali Text Society Translation Series; 46). Ozols, Jakob und Thewalt, Volker (eds.) (1984) Aus dem Osten des Alexanderreiches. i- Koln. Prakash, Om (1961) Food and Drinks in ancient India. - Delhi. Saletore, Rajaram N. (1943) Life in the Gupta Age. - London. Schlingloff, Dieter (1962) Die Religion des Buddhismus I. - Berlin. - (Sammlung Goschen; 174). Schrader, Friedrich Otto (1902) Uber den Stand der indischen Philosophie zur Zeit Mahaviras und Buddhas. - Leipzig. Schrader, "Friedrich Otto (1973) Introduction to the Pancaratra and the Ahirbudhnya Samhita. - Adyar. Schubring, Walther (1962) The Doctrine of the Jainas. - Delhi. Schubring, Walther (1978) Nayadhammakahao ed. by J. Deleu. - Mainz. - AdWL. 6. Strauss, Otto (1925) Indische Philosophie. - Munchen. Thibaut, George (1890) The Vedanta Sutras of Badarayana - Oxford. - (Sacred Books of the East xiv). Yamazaki, Moriichi and Ousaka, Yumi (eds.) (1995) A Pada Index and Reverse Pada Index to Early Jain Canons. - Tokyo. Wagle, Narendra K. and Watanabe, Fumimaro (eds.) (1993) Studies on Buddhism in Honour of Professor A. K. Warder. - Toronto. - (South Asian Studies Papers 5). Weber, Albrecht (1867) Uber ein Fragment der Bhagavati II. - Berlin. - (Abhandlungen der konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften 1866). Heidelberg Germany


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