Book Title: $JES 106 My Jain Values Journal
Author(s): Pratiksha Shah, JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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Challenge: Aparigraha
Aparigraha is being non-possessive about feelings and materialistic things. This value applies to our thoughts, words and actions. To learn and practice Aparigraha during the week, ask yourself following questions:
• Am I collecting things that I don't need?
Am I hanging onto my feelings of anger, sadness and frustration? Am I wasting anything - food, water, electricity?
Did I buy something that I don't really need? Some ways to practice Aparigraha - If you get one new toy then consider donating one of your existing toys. Consider donating time, efforts, money... it can be in any form of giving, instead of collecting. What does Aparigraha mean to you? How did you practice Aparigraha? And how did it make you feel?
Write your thoughts, examples, ideas, experiences and how it made you feel:
My Jain Values Journal