Underprivileged Communities: Education and Development The Divine Life Society of South Africa is committed to improving the existing educational system in South Africa. At the moment they are involved in upgrading the Sivananda Technical Institute at Mahlabatini in KwaZulu Natal by adding ten new classrooms, and the Sivananda Technical College at Kwa Mashu in Durban, where they are adding eight new classrooms. Their other projects include providing sewing machines for self-help initiatives at schools, manufacturing garments for destitute children, feeding school children, providing school furniture, and building an environmental education exhibition at the Nature Gallery at the Sivananda International Cultural Center at La Mercy in KwaZulu Natal. Divine Life Society of South Africa REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Day of Planetary Service to Mankind On December 18, 1999, the Heartfelt Foundation will be holding service projects in the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, Australia, Europe, and Africa as a gift in honor of the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions. The Foundation will seek out and find the sick, the homeless, the hungry, the forgotten, the lonely, the orphaned, and those that are suffering in any way, and loving Heartfelt volunteers will provide relief and comfort. Depending on the need discovered, some areas will host a Christmas party for orphaned or homeless children, other areas will bring gifts and visit with those living in homes for the aged or infirm, others will provide food or clothing for hungry or destitute individuals and families. It is the Foundation's intention that the people who serve and the people who are served both will experience the goodness that exists in the world through the sharing of human kindness and brotherhood. On Dec 19, 1998, the Heartfelt Foundation held a similar global service project which was quite successful, and included representation from the United States, Australia, South America, Europe and Africa. There were more than 1,000 volunteers marshaled around the world on that day. and more than 5,000 people served. Heartfelt Foundation USA
World Bank and the Global Hospital Eye Care Project The World Bank and the Global Hospital and Research Center in Mt. Abu, India have teamed up to provide ophthalmology services to villages in Rajasthan. Eye Camps administer cataract surgeries and preliminary screening tests to all who attend. Field workers also visit more remote villages in order to screen residents for cataracts and, if necessary. transport them to the hospital. Brahma Kumaris Educational Society, Mt. Abu INDIA
Outreach Project on Behalf of the Homeless In January of 2000, students will spend one week of their vacation providing meals for the homeless, through volunteering for the organization, So Others Might Eat. Students from various faith traditions will participate and engage in dialogue with one another throughout the week. College of Saint Rose USA
Food for Life Our Guru, Swami Prabhupad, the founder of ISKCON, decided that within a ten kilometer radius of any ISKCON center there should be a hunger-free zone. Throughout Africa (and globally) Iskcon feeds hundreds of thousands of impoverished people with a daily hot meal (Prasad) for their physical and spiritual uplift. ISKCON REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
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