Leveraging Social Media to Help Non-profit Organizations Gain Awareness | Amish Shah Career & Networking | HS/College Non-profit and charitable organizations often times face challenges on engaging and educating their donor community. Hear how Eventcha is helping these organizations better engage and educate their donor community, track metrics, and allow event organizers to have a centralized platform for which the lifecycle of the event can be followed over social media.
Leveraging Your Network into Career Opportunities Anand Shah Career & Networking College Join us for a discussion about the importance of networking for your career. We'll discuss tips and ideas for how to effectively leverage said network for further career opportunities.
Managing Your Stress | Avni Nandu Social Issues | HS The conversation of managing stress is often overlooked for high schoolers. Learning how to identify symptoms of stress while also exploring solutions to it is extremely important, especially as we embark on new phases of our lives like college. In this session, we will discuss managing stress, mental health, as well as other neglected topics!
Meet the New Face of Meat | Akshay Madhani
19 Social Issues College/JNF As the human population grows exponentially and technology becomes a growing part of food production, we should examine what foods are good for our bodies and more sustainable for the future. Terms like "plant-based meat", "clean meat", "vegetarian-fed eggs", and "GMOs" are becoming ubiquitous at grocery stores; we will explore what these terms mean and discuss the ethical implications behind these different food production methods.
Mind as Medicine: What Jainism has Taught us About Living a Healthier Life | Kinjal Shah Jain Lifestyle | HS/College How you feel is determined by your beliefs, life experiences, and subconscious programming. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to identify these mindset hurdles and turn on the mind's healing capacity? In this session, we will cover the five keys to optimal health and physical well-being. Join us to learn hands on strategies for stress management, improving focus and concentration at school/work, getting proper rest, proper ergonomics and eating a well balanced diet.
Misinterpretations of Jain Karma Philosophy | Pravin Shah Jain Education College/JNF Jain karma philosophy is inherently spiritual in nature; however, this aspect of Jain thought is misconstrued in a dogmatic fashion. This type of interpretations results in discrediting of the religion. However, the correct interpretation as per Jain Agam literature is different and promotes ways to help others. This presentation reviews the practical aspect of Karma philosophy and will provide proper role and purpose of Karma philosophy in our efforts to do good work.