The practice of non-possession leads one to the life style of non-violence or vice a versa. A person who leads the life of possessions: be it possession of money, possession of material, possession of power etc. practices unfair means, tell lies, steals, and harm others, as a result of attachment to the material things. For him, achieving his materialistic goals is more important irrespective of the means required to achieve them. Possessiveness paves the way for all the bad actions. If the possessiveness is controlled, violence is automatically controlled. Thus for practicing non-violence it is important to practice the attitude of non-possessiveness. Therefore a nonviolence life style embodies consciousness of selfrestraint and renunciation.
On the other hand for the development of nonpossessiveness attitude one has to percept nonviolence approach. The Jain text explains that Nonviolence calls for the attitude of concern, compassion, detachment and friendliness, charity, feeling of unity, equality etc. towards all living beings, which brings the sense of detachment, empathy and self-discipline. As we find in the Jain text:
Attitude of friendliness-"mitti me savabhvesu..."-I have no enmity towards any living beings but only friendliness towards all.
Attitude of compassion-"Savvebhuehim dayanukampi"Be merciful and compassionate to all living beings, and many others.
All these principles have a profound impact on changing one's outlook and perspectives. Thus, if man practices non-possession embedded with feeling of equality, charity, compassion, etc. than that will pave the way for
1: Coexistence of all the living beings.
2: Environment protection
3: Ecological balance
JAINA Convention
4: Harmony between nature and human 5: Sustainable development
A different way of expressing these principles is through the following well-known equation from the theory of relativity: E=MC2. Using it in this context, E will stand for Equanimity, M for money, and C for charity.
The formula becomes Equanimity Money x Compassion x Charity.
Charity presupposes an attitude of detachment towards money and the more one be compassionate the more one endows with feeling of equanimity in your personal life. Additionally, if a large number of people start doing that then the economic disparity will disappear from the society. This formula of nonviolence application will lead to a peaceful mind and a peaceful world.
Is training in non-violence possible? Now, the question is how one can practice nonviolence in his day to day life? How can one bring the balance between material and spiritual world? For this Acharya Mahapragya says by mere theory and lectures it is not possible, but by having training in non-violence through meditation, contemplation one can Transform one's heart and bring the balance in one's life. Conclusion:
Thus the practice of nonviolent life style embedded with non-possession brings contentment, harmony and peaceful living resulting in the reduction of violence. Life is transformed in the following ways: a) Money is used for the fulfillment of needs and not
b) People's attitude will change as they realize: "man is not for money, money is for man"; "I" to "us" and "me" to "we".
c) People will use their financial resources to meet personal needs and what is left over to Practice compassion and charity.
Best Wishes for the JAINA 2015 Convention
Parshwanath Temple - Varkana, Rajasthan
Jainism: World of Non-Violence 179