2015 JAINA Convention
'Service to humanity' by Sat Tony Samara Service to humanity is such an amazing gift
ity then those trees flourish. If we plant them. in this seemingly more self-centered world of
singly to satisfy needs that we don't have a Dars today. We can learn that the world does
forest rather we have an extension of or a piswo center on ourselves. Our needs. Our beliefs
ture of our wees in the garder lacking in the or even our thoughts or words. The world rather
aliveness and magic that is so natural to this centers our love expands beyond our ego into a
World Space where spiritual growth.condossion, cooperation, focused giving to others to the other
In the same sense. If any earth, and for the river
other action or practical sal goodness. This is the
wovle that we undertake wagical heart of existence.
is simply to satisfy our The creative meaning of
weeds and we surely forget existence helps us to our
the beauty of the world and ish our needs, beliefs and
to be an integral part of thouets from a space that
this beauty, then our worle transcends Limitations
Sovies humanity is such an
becomes self-centered and dependencies and expecta
amazin in this seemingly more its goal becomes to satisfy tions in a practical as well self-centered world of ours today
our beliefs, needs, egos and as in a philosophical sense.
thoughts. Being and trust
ing, that your real and I. a practical sense we need to watch the wind
selfless actions are an expression of beauty and the ego to avoid the games that are so often
then those beliefs, weeds, thoughts and egotiscreated to justify our actions. If while worie
tical aspects become superfluous and we enter ing in a garden our efforts and time are sin
an aliveness and wagic that is our birthright. ply spent in the garden to satisfy our selfish needs, then we typass so much and we wiss
This is what makes people great and gives the beauty of sharing with all that is present
meaning to our personal life as well as hope for and alive. If we plant trees as a gift to human
Gem. Int'l of CA Harish Daga and Family Sunil Jain and Family
BIOGRAPHY Sat Tony Samara,muthor of "Shaman Wisdom," "The Simplicity of Love Meditation, "Different Yet the Same "Karma Mantra and Beyond" and "Discover Your Inner Buddha' has been inspiring thousands of readers to discover immer peace and greater filment in their lives through the power and simplicity of practical Spurstalih Ar the core of his teachings lies the clution of human consciousness, which in today's world is vital for achieving deep personal happiness, inner peace and the illumination of ones immer quest
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Jainism:World of Non-Violence 103