Dear JAINA President, Executive Members Board of Directors and all
vital role in sustaining the balance of the whole planet
"THANK YOU 10 all Volunteers for your dedication and tireless efforts in the planning and execution of this!
JAINA Convention."
I want to express my blessings to all as we Jains hold that truth is multifaceted and has gather for the 18th Biennial JAINA Convention. multiple sides that cannot be completely com
prehended by anyone. That is why AnekantaToday in a hi-tech, modern world, man has vada is a peaceful way of communicating. We made progress by leaps and bounds thus strive to create a sacred space in the heart changing the face of the world, but has man where we hold the opinions and beliefs of othchanged and progressed at the same speed in ers with respect and empathy. When we allow the spiritual realm is a big question.
others to express their feelings without criticism
or judgment we promote mutual understanding. JAINA has for past eighteen years provided In Anekantvada, there is no "battle of ideas", bea platform for Jain members to probe into this cause this is considered to be a form of intellecquestion deeply by arranging lectures, yoga, tual himsa or damage, leading quite logically to meditation, exhibition and many more events physical violence and war. on subjects related to the core values of Jain Dharma like Ahinsa, compassion, love, amity, Aparigraha is the concept of non-possessivetruthfulness, relativity in thinking, karma, theoryness, non-grasping or non-greediness. Apariof non-accumulation, celibacy etc.
graha is our worldview expressed by simplicity
of life governing our words, thoughts and acThe topic of this year's conference is Jainism: tions. Its greatest obstacle is egoism, so we are The world Of Non-Violence. It is best exempli always mindful of the need for humility. fied by our guiding principles: Ahinsa, or non-violence; Anekantavada, relativity of thinking and with faithful application of these three pracAparigraha, the beauty of simplicity and non-actices, we create a better life for ourselves and quisition
others. And so, on this memorable occasion,
I bless and appreciate all the members who Ahinsa is love. Ahinsa is peace. Ahinsa is absti- have made JAINA a nence from causing any pain or harm whatso vibrant and evever to any living creature. If one is established er-growing unity in Ahinsa one has attained all virtues. Ahinsa is the pivot. All virtues revolve around Ahinsa. Love & Blessings, All religious and ethical rules become merged in the great vow of Ahinsa. It is the practice of Chitrabhanu Ahinsa that results in lifelong happiness.
-Domadia Family
Ashok Jyoti Mona - Shellye
Ahinsa is a daily lifestyle that starts with a diet of plant-based food. By cultivating compassion and consideration for what we eat, we play a
28 JAINA Convention 2015
Jainism: World of Non-Violence 29