Samani Shruthnidhi is with the JPP Jain Samani group, and was initiated in 2008, at the age of 22, under Acharya Pravar Shri Shubhchandraji Maharaj Saheb, with her entire family. She is fluent in English, Hindi and Marwadi. She learned many religious scriptures: Tattvartha Sutra, Dashvaikalika Sutra, Karma Theory, Mantra Shastra, Personality Development, Art of Living, and Principles of Lord Mahavira. She teaches Jain Anuppeha Dhyan, Yog Sadhana, naturopathy, etc. She educates children about moral values, non-violence and vegetarianism.
Subhash Sheth is Hon. Editor of monthly magazine Atma-Pratitee. He has earned B.S. and B.Edu. He has deeply studied scriptures by Acharya Shree Kund Kund Swami, Shrimad Rajchandra and all the discourses of Gurudev Shri Kanji Swami and other Jain acharyas. Since 1994, he has visited various Jain Centers in North America to give lectures on Jain philosophy and Drvyanuyog. He has authored many books such as Bar Bhavna, Hun Parmatma Chhun, Mokshnu Sukh: Sansarnu Dukh, to list a few. He has performed Vidhan Mandal Poojans and pratishthas.
Samani Shri Suyashnidhi was initiated in the JPP Jain Samani Group in 2010, in Mysore, at the age of 24, under Acharya Pravar Shri Shubhchandraji Maharaj Saheb. She has a Master's in Jainology with Gold Medal. She is fluent in English, Hindi, Kannada and Marwadi. She has learned many religious scriptures: Tattvartha Sutra, Dashvaikalika Sutra, Uttaradhyayana Sutra, Antakrut Dasa Sutra, Acharang Sutra and Principles of Lord Mahavira. She teaches Jain Anuppeha Dhyan, Yog Sadhana, memory power, fundamentals of Jainism, and also educates children about non-violence and vegetarianism.
Pandit Mahesh Kumar Jain is a renowned scholar who has studied various religious scriptures including: Tatvartha Sutra, Sarvarth Sidhi, Karma Kand, Ratnakarand Shravakachar, Samayasaar, etc. He has studied and done in-depth analysis of Karnanuyoga. He was the head Lecturer in Jaipur, India. He has over thirteen years of teaching experience. He has taught in various colleges and universities in India. His foreign trips include Thailand and USA for last four years. He offers various religious camps held throughout India and USA. He has been an active leader of many Vidhans and religious functions. His publications include: Hindi translation of Jain Prayers and other philosophical matters published in Jinbhashit & many other magazines.
Jainism: The Global Impact