Universal Ahimsa Foundation Regd.
37-38,G-22/Sector 27 Rohini, Delhi 110085
Tel: +91 11 27052030, Mob: + 91 9313133865 Email: universalahimsafnd@gmail.com
Founder: HH Shantidoot Acharya Amrender Muni Ji Maharaj
10th March 2013
Respected President of the Detroit Jain Society,
All the esteemed officials and volunteers- Please accept my loving wishes for spiritual upliftment and benefit.
Once again it is my great pleasure to receive the Jain Society's gracious invitation to the Jaina convention that will be held in the month of July. It is a matter of gratification that your Sangh has always shown outstanding enthusiasm to promote and spread Jain dharma and culture.
May the new generation get inspired by Gurudev Acharya Shri Sushil Kumarji Maharaj's thoughts and teachings and spread the values of non violence in the world. May the seed sown by him be nurtured by the new generation and grow into a huge Banyan tree and increase the honour and dignity of Jain thought and values.
Bhagwan Mahavir's messages to humanity are still valid after thousands of years. He propagated 'egamanushyajae' which means that there is no caste - no divisions- only human beings. Atma is Parmatma and 'Parasperopgrah Jivanam' ie no living being can survive without another's help; killing anything is like killing one's own self, and insulting another is insulting one's own self.
I am confident that this Detroit convention will be a historic and memorable event. All the four Jain sects will be attending the convention and contributing to its success. It is our wish that this pure and chaste Chaturwid Sangh rise to even greater heights and greater glory.
May the light of the presiding deities and shasandevas spread in all directions and illumine every moment of the proceedings May this huge and gracious undertaking be successfully completed without any hindrance.
With best wishes,
Om Arhum.
Mina Ameander Kumar
(Muni Amrender Kumar)