Welcome Message from JAINA President
Dear Friends, Jai Jinendra. On behalf of JAINA, I welcome all of you to the 17th Biennial Convention in Detroit. I take great pride in the meticulous planning and selfless perseverance that volunteers have put forth in making this great event possible and hope you take the theme of this convention to heart by making a difference in other people's lives.
I am amongst the second generation of Jains who came to North America as a child nearly four decades ago. Each generation of Jains is growing up in a very different society where we need to make an extra effort in practicing as we teach to assure that we pass Jain values to next generation. We do not want to be remembered as old-fashioned immigrants, rather, remembered as the torchbearer to make the path for future. We should note, “Todays footpath through the wilderness is tomorrow's roads and highway". We should pass the torch to younger generations and mentor them to explore new wilderness.
In last forty years, Jains in North America have made significant difference in the global economy. Many among us own successful businesses, yet other Jains are serving in key positions in many well-known companies, corporations, universities, and government agencies. We have accomplished much more in last 40 years, than other immigrant community in spite of many challenges. Our next generation is capable of doubling our accomplishments. They require our guidance and trust.
In keeping with our theme “Jainism: The Global Impact", our volunteers have organized wide variety of innovative sessions for our learning, enjoyment and memorable experience. Special tributes are planned to celebrate 100 years of Acharya Tulsi, 150 years anniversary of Virchand R. Gandhi, and 90th birthday celebration of Gurudev Chitrabhanuji.
On behalf of the JAINA Executive Committee, I thank all volunteers, speakers, and sponsors for their tireless efforts in organizing this convention. These volunteers from across North America conceptualized the activities and have successfully executed them for our enjoyment. I want to thank the Jain Society of Greater Detroit for graciously hosting this convention.
On a personal note, I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve our community. As well as, thank many among you for being a team member, mentor, and support. A special thank you to my wife, Asha, and sons, Ankush & Nishant, for their love & support when I needed it most. MICHHAMI DUKKADAM, if I did not perform to your fullest expectations. Sincerely, Sushil Jain 2011 - 2013 Jaina President
-JAINA Convention 2013